Inspirational Poem by Teens

Poem About Make A Life Change

I'm that type of kid who hides from people. I like to cry in the shadows, and I sit away - alone and depressed. It's not good for my health, so I thought of doing something different by writing an inspirational poem to help me and hopefully many others who feel as I do. I have written many, many poems. Most of them are depressing and tragic. I will never get anywhere in life if I'm always depressed. I will only age faster and die before my time.

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I had a similar childhood in which many rejected my company. As I grew up, I identified my skills and I could draw the attention of others. My teachers were helpful in this regard. I feel...

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Life Will Never Wait

Elizabeth A Cox ©

Published by Family Friend Poems July 2018 with permission of the Author.

I used to be that girl,
The one who hid in the shadows,
The one who hid her face from others,
The one who drowned in her tears.

I thought that no one cared.
I watched the other kids as they grouped up.
I was always the outsider, the loner,
But that was my choice.

I chose to be alone.
I chose to cry in the shadows.
I chose to suffer.
It was all me.

I have to realize people aren't going to come to me
They don't have to.
I need to stop rejecting people.
I need to let them into my life.

For one day I will grow old,
And I might need people by my side.
Life may be full of people,
But life isn't going to bring people my way.

I need to get out there and talk to them myself.
Life is not going to wait for me to get out of my shell.
It's my choice to open up while I'm still young and youthful
Or when I'm old and on my death bed.

Time ticks by.
It will never wait.
That's why it's good to make your choice
Before it's too late.

For life is short,
And tomorrow is never promised,
So take that chance to make a friend
Just in case you don't make it to see another day.


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  • Kumari Weerasooriya by Kumari Weerasooriya
  • 5 years ago

I had a similar childhood in which many rejected my company. As I grew up, I identified my skills and I could draw the attention of others. My teachers were helpful in this regard. I feel that this poem makes the adults aware of the situation of some hidden individuals in society who need much attention to escape from their lonely life.

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