Inspiring Poem for Kids

Lesson About Generosity

Two children were at play, and I overheard their conversation about the penny they found. That inspired me to write this poem for children.

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Hello, I hope this reaches Mr. Hollingsworth. At the school my children attend, here in Indiana, each child gets up in front of the whole school once per year during their chapel time to...

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My Penny

© more by Jim Hollingsworth

Published by Family Friend Poems July 2020 with permission of the Author.

I found a penny upon the walk.
A rich boy I am...that was my thought.

The things I can buy at the store...
I shall not want for anything anymore.

I can travel the world to far off lands
and visit places with shifting sands.

I can sail the ocean's seven seas.
Nothing else will I ever need.

Maybe put my penny in my bank.
That's what I will do...I think.

There are many things a penny can buy,
but alas, a young lad am I.

So I will give it to the church
for the needy, for the homeless...this will work.

Count your blessing every day.
You, too, may find a penny along your way.

If you do, then remember all who need.
It's much better to give than to receive.



I am investing myself in time and leaving something for future generations. I hope that someone who now is in the future might be inspired by my poems. This is my way of giving back to the world that has given me the things which I have needed in life. I am a simple man and have not much to say about myself, but maybe the poems will reveal...

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  • Sabrina D by Sabrina D
  • 3 months ago

Hello, I hope this reaches Mr. Hollingsworth. At the school my children attend, here in Indiana, each child gets up in front of the whole school once per year during their chapel time to perform an individual recitation of a poem, Bible verse, or excerpt from a famous speech or novel, etc. When searching for a sweet and meaningful poem for my third grade son to recite this year, we came across My Penny. I just wanted to let you know that this morning he stood on stage and recited your poem in front of our school community, with your name displayed on the screen as the author. He did a nice job, and I got a few compliments already from other parents about how dear the poem was. So, than you for sharing your poem, and hopefully this brings you a smile!

What an inspiring poem not only for children, but those thoughts should apply to adults too. I love it.

A wonderful poem to teach children about kindness and generosity.
"A penny in a pocket's worth more than a grand,
when it's placed inside someone's needing hand."

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