21. A Promise For The Better
I live within the present,
But am stuck within the past.
I look toward the future,
With hopes that never last.
I live within the present,
But am stuck within the past.
I look toward the future,
With hopes that never last.
Imagine an endless darkness
where the air is filled with pain,
where there are endless cries of torture,
where good is always in vain.
I just wish I could break down,
let it all out, finally be found.
I'm tired of hiding from what hurts;
A very, very nice poem. Thanks for writing and sharing. Sometimes emotions get buried in the heart and refuse to come out. You remain unaware of these buried emotions whether it's pain, hurt,...
Yet full
Yet able to love with the pieces
This poem really speaks to me because I used to feel like that. Sometimes I still do. I'm basically friendless because all my so-called friends lost touch or have a "busy schedule." I know...
What happened to me,
The one I used to be?
Now, when I look at my reflection,
I'm filled with recollection
Being deeply sad and depressed can weigh on a person like nothing else. This poem reminds me of my own experiences and of the loneliness that sometimes washes over me when I feel like I'm...
People think that I have it all,
But they know nothing, nothing at all.
So now I laugh to hide my tears,
The tears that I gain from my fears.
The beat of rain upon the land
Broken teardrop in my hand
Shattered remains upon the ground
My beating heart the only sound
I really like this poem. It brings in a lot of memories.
How is it I cry all night,
Yet you still believe everything is all right?
How can you not see my pain
When it is clearer than the rain?
Why do you stand around and watch me cry?
Don't you see me in the corner of your eye?
I'm in so much pain, don't you see?
Why do you just stare and watch me bleed?
Never change your originality
For the sake of others
Because no one else can play your role
Better than you
So be yourself
You are the best
Sometimes I feel unimaginable pain.
It's always in my mind, within my brain.
It dwells inside all of my heart
And inside my veins.
I know this. It's an endless, repeating, painful loop. You ask someone if they think you're good enough, are you beautiful, are you smart, do they love you, do they care. They respond with...
Slowly I feel myself breaking.
My knees feel weak; it seems I'm shaking.
My arms are tired and my legs feel numb.
My mind in a haywire and I want to run.
Such a touching poem. I love the diction used. It really creates an atmosphere that rhymes well with the subject matter.
I am a poet writing about my pain.
I am person recovering and trying to gain.
I am your daughter who is trying to learn.
I am your sister who is starting to turn.
I am constantly made fun if and called emo because when I was 12 I tried to hang myself and I used to cut and have scars all up my arms. I was only depressed because my dad and I were close...
You don't know and I'll never tell.
If you look at me you'd never know what's really inside.
I may laugh and smile,
And you'll think I'm OK.
This is a really good poem. I, too, pretend to be okay when all I feel is an unending emptiness. It's like feeling everything all at once and then suddenly feeling nothing at all.
I'm not okay,
not really.
I'm starving, the urges are back.
They are things here still gnawing,
This poem is lovely. And what else, I very much relate to the quote that's there in the beginning. Publishing extremely personal things make me afraid ... I don't wanna be vulnerable.
I see a girl
Only 15 years
It's a teenager
With eyes full of tears
No one will ever truly know me.
How can they when they never even try?
Because I smile, they assume I am happy.
I have never been able to be myself. Everyone thinks I'm happy, but I'm not. I hide alone and pretend to be doing something else. I can't cry; if do i'll be caught. I have to pull myself...
I am broken,
But nobody picks up the pieces.
I'm falling,
But nobody catches me.
This poem is really touching. It describes how a depressed person feels. When you look at the world, it seems like you are alone because no one understands you.
When she smiles and laughs,
It no longer sounds hollow,
For she has learned
To mask her sorrow.
Goodbye, my sweet Lori. Wishing you were still alive and in our family, hearts, and homes. On September 25, 2018, Lori Denise Gonzales was called home to heaven by the dear Lord, leaving...
You think you understand me?
I can hear you speak, you see?
You go on about my perfect life.
God I've never found a poem or any piece that could describe exactly how I feel before THIS. It felt like I was reading my own work. Now I know I'm not alone. Keep writing! :)) xx
I look deep into your eyes
but all I see are lies
where there was hurt and suffering
there's now a black hole of nothing
I've been dealing with depression for the past three years and suicide is a big thing for me. Thank you, this poem means a lot!