Hurting Poem by Teens

I Need Someone Who Will Stick By My Side

You love me, right? Well, Prove it!

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This poem really speaks to me because I used to feel like that. Sometimes I still do. I'm basically friendless because all my so-called friends lost touch or have a "busy schedule." I know...

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Published by Family Friend Poems October 2013 with permission of the Author.

Yet full
Yet able to love with the pieces
Yet colorful
Yet I'm going a hundred miles an hour
But I haven't hit the ground yet
But crowded
But cold
They listen to all my stories
But when I'm serious
They turn their back
They care
But not really
Almost but no
Silent tears
Angry words
Fake smiles
Inside I'm dying
I need to be caught
But no one is there to catch me
No one comes
Why when you need people the most
They leave you
Why when you are the loneliest
The crowd disappears
Why when you need love
There is none left
Why when the smile slips away and the tears come
They turn their back
Why can't it just be simple for once
I need someone to catch me
I need someone to brush away my tears
I need someone to make my smile real
I need someone to be there even when I push them away
I need someone who will stick by my side no matter how much I want to give up
I just need someone
That someone is supposed to be you
You love me right
Well...prove it


  • Stories 3
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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Jannat by Jannat
  • 3 years ago

I know how it feels when someone leaves you, especially the person whom you love and loved the most. It really sucks when they leave you, especially with no reason.

  • Kayla Morris by Kayla Morris
  • 6 years ago

She stood behind me like a guard, and when they came she looked away, so I knew I was left alone again. I stand alone waiting for her to come back, but I still stand alone.

  • Sebastian M. Baer by Sebastian M. Baer
  • 7 years ago

This poem really speaks to me because I used to feel like that. Sometimes I still do. I'm basically friendless because all my so-called friends lost touch or have a "busy schedule." I know how you feel. I know it sucks, but we lonely people will stick through it together.

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