Broken Friendship Poem

I told my friend that she really didn't know the true me, and she laughed and started naming off all the lies my fake self said. She didn't understand what I was going through, even though she said she was going through the exact same thing. So I figured I would try and get my feelings out there somehow.

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To be honest, I'm not a big fan of poetry. But, when I saw this poem, it really spoke to me. I used to have a best friend that I looked up to. That was until almost 3 years ago. It was just a...

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My Sometimes Best Friend


Published by Family Friend Poems December 2011 with permission of the Author.

How can you know me
When I barely know myself?
How can you laugh with me
When inside I am crying?

I told you once how I felt.
Your ice cold heart didn't even melt.
You didn't believe any word I said.
You'd be surprised when I end up dead.

How can you talk about me
When you don't know the real me?
How can you see me
When this image is a fake, a lie?

You never like anything I do.
Even though most of it is for you.
My "sometimes" best friend
Who is supposed to be with me until the end.
But you leave me all the time.
And never seem to see me behind.
Struggling to stop you,
Hurrying to please you.

You never see my feelings,
Only your own.
This makes me feel unhappy.
But this, you've already known.


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Zoe Weinmann by Zoe Weinmann, Minneapolis MN
  • 10 years ago

To be honest, I'm not a big fan of poetry. But, when I saw this poem, it really spoke to me. I used to have a best friend that I looked up to. That was until almost 3 years ago. It was just a week after my 13th birthday, which was the last time we ever spoke. For some reason, after that, she stopped talking to me, and wouldn't reply to any of my emails, Skype messages, or even handwritten letters. Soon after, I realized it wasn't the only thing she did to me. I began to remember that she also made fun of my weight a couple times, and didn't even act like she felt sorry for me when I told her about my dog dying, and my parents getting divorced. Now, at 15, and a freshman in highschool, I sometimes feel lost, and I still haven't found a new best friend, or got my former friend to talk to me again. My point is, I know what it's like for a friend you trusted to betray you, and this poem really reflects yours and everyone else's feelings from what can be called a "fake friend."

  • Bobbi Giles by Bobbi Giles
  • 10 years ago

This poem is so beautiful, it reminds me of a situation previously had with one of my friends. She constantly treated me poorly and whenever she had another friend around she was talking with them instead of me. One day I got mad at her and we got into a fight, it was the first fight I had ever had with her. She told two of our common friends that I was talking about them behind their backs, she actually did talk about them behind their backs so I told them if there going to be mad at me for something I didn't do they might as well be mad at her for what she did do. But of course, they sided with her and they all turned their backs on me. It was a tough time for me but I realized that it was a lesson learned and that she wasn't a true friend.

  • Sofi by Sofi
  • 12 years ago

I love this poem soo much I'm analyzing it for my English class. It's that good

  • Mary Gulilboux by Mary Gulilboux
  • 12 years ago

I have a "friend" who has betrayed me. Won't tell me why. Won't talk to me. Talks about me. Glowers at me. How do I help?

  • Mireya by Mireya, Colorado
  • 12 years ago

I have a 'friend' like that. She says whatever to get what she wants. She sees a crazy funny girl who make no sense. But really she doesn't look for the real me, or how I get hurt when she says things. But when I tell her, she laughs like it's just a joke. So I forgot about her, and my life is better.

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