1. Cheating And Lies
Would you care if we quit talking?
Would you care if I went walking?
I need to know how you feel
So I know how to deal.
When a relationship of love is developed, a bond of trust is formed. There is an unspoken agreement that the two of you are committed to each other and that you will not see other people. When one of the members of this sacred bond choose to be intimate with another person, they are not only cheating their lover but they are cheating themselves as well. They are breaking their own bond of trust. In most situations, when a person cheats, it is not because of affection for a new lover. Rather, he may be searching for what is missing in his present relationship.
Would you care if we quit talking?
Would you care if I went walking?
I need to know how you feel
So I know how to deal.
I was very touched by this poem because my ex-boyfriend cheated on me somewhere around 7 times. We would break up, and my sister and all my friends would tell me to not go back out with him....
I knew that this would happen,
that you would break my heart.
It was stupid of me not to listen.
I was stupid from the start.
One month ago, I caught my fiancé out with another man. She spent the night with him but swears she was sick and nothing happened. We had a blow up and she admitted having slept with two guys...
Why can't you love me the way you should?
I know you could
Instead, my heartache is what you're choosing.
It's me that you are losing.
My wife of 15 years cheated. I caught her, and she promised never again. Since then she has been caught over the last 2 years maybe a dozen times still speaking with him behind my back. Worst...
Alone in my head,
I'm feeling so low.
You won't understand,
No one can know.
Beautiful poem! I loved the way it's presented with hints of unspoken events.
A chill in the air awoke him,
And he pulled his blankets tight.
The booze was running strong;
It had been a good night.
Josh, your pain is not in vain. God used this story to help me understand how painful it is to be cheated on. My girlfriend was cheated on during her first-ever real relationship, and it...
Why do you beat yourself up
because you had the courage to love,
gave all of yourself in hopes that he was the one?
I was in a relationship and married for 30 years, and all of a sudden the man of my life decides one day he's gonna cheat or go find him another woman. Well, he did and brought her to our...
Dear heart, please stop breaking.
Please forget the one who caused this aching.
I know I am the one who placed him there,
But he was not true and I cannot share.
I was in love. He was the love of my life. We spent every day together. And then everything started to change. He stopped calling me. He took hours to reply. I pushed it off. His best friend...
Remember that day? You said you were home,
But I saw you at the club; you weren't alone.
You held her close, you kissed her neck.
I was your girlfriend; what the heck?
This poem made me laugh thinking of how many times my boyfriend will say he's at home sleeping while he runs around with a teenager. While I am carrying his baby. But I realize he's not...
I want to write, scream and shout
But I'm sitting here with this doubt.
I hate you for what you've done,
But I love you for what you've helped me become,
I know this was posted 8 years ago, but I felt I had to comment and tell you I'm so sorry for the pain caused by the one person who is supposed to prevent you and your siblings from ever...
This ink, it runs.
This paper is stained
Tears run free as
I'm stuck in a daze.
There's no place I'd rather be
Than in your heart
And in your dreams.
Hoping forever we would be
I am touched. The poem is so painful and real as I look to my relationship, it makes sense and made me cry.
The only regret I have is having to live tomorrow,
For my past is full of sorrow,
I fought my battles so far away,
I'm so sorry about what you went through. Don't worry things WILL Look up for you, Keep your faith & keep fighting! Thank you!
I can see the pain in your eyes,
it's right there,
reminding me of what I've done.
I am the betrayer,
This poem really spoke to me. Having been on both sides of the terrible plague that is cheating, this poem opened my eyes to what I have done and how much pain cheating can cause. I can't...
You have no idea how I felt
You were my entire life
They say with time broken hearts heal
Rather than wait, I turned to my knife
I stood by you so faithfully.
You don't deserve me.
Through thick and thin,