Cheating Poem

This poem is about how the wheel turns...

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This poem made me laugh thinking of how many times my boyfriend will say he's at home sleeping while he runs around with a teenager. While I am carrying his baby. But I realize he's not...

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Was She Worth It?

© more by Stormy-Courtney

Published by Family Friend Poems May 2008 with permission of the Author.

Remember that day? You said you were home,
But I saw you at the club; you weren't alone.
You held her close, you kissed her neck.
I was your girlfriend; what the heck?
I wanted to punch you, slap you on the head.
At that very moment I wished you were dead.
I went home and I cried and cried.
I tried to understand why you had lied.

But the truth is I did nothing wrong.
I was the best I could be all along.
If you want to cheat on someone,
Then I'm happy to see you go,
Because I know I'm better than that little ho
And one day soon
You're going to be too blind to see
She's going to do to you what you did to me,

And I'll ask... was she worth it?


more by Stormy-Courtney

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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Yoland by Yoland, Pretoria
  • 11 years ago

This poem made me laugh thinking of how many times my boyfriend will say he's at home sleeping while he runs around with a teenager. While I am carrying his baby. But I realize he's not worthy and doesn't deserve my love.

  • Amber by Amber
  • 12 years ago

This poem made me cry.. I just found out my boyfriend of 3 years went to a party and made out with a girl, he told me he was asleep... And I actually believed him. I gave him everything... And I never thought I'd get heart broken from him.

  • Hope by Hope, Charleston South Carolina
  • 13 years ago

I love this poem because there aren't any beautifully written, eloquent words here. This is very raw, very true, and straight from the heart.

I've been in this situation before and the shock of seeing the one you love embrace another is an elevated level of heartbreak. The power however is when we answer the question as to why did this happen? We realize that it was not our fault.

Being true to thy self, knowing you are worthy of love, taking the initiative to love thy self and not settle for a half love is the only way to find true love. Kudos to this poet!

  • Burbank by Burbank, CA
  • 14 years ago

I just found out on the 23, The day before Christmas eve and two days before mine and my boyfriend's anniversary. He cheated on me with my bestfriend, I am heart broken.
This poem is exactly what happened to me but he went out of town for his brother's graduation from bootcamp :(
I read it to him and he started crying, He begged on his hands and knees for me to forgive him...

  • Lyric Ortiz by Lyric Ortiz
  • 14 years ago

wow that does not rock. I'm only fourteen and have been through this more then twenty times. Guys are such jerks (not saying girls are perfect)

Sophia, that's kinda the same thing what happened to me but my mom caught him walking out of the store holding hands with her then walking her to her moms car and kissing her goodbye. She was my bff :((

  • Sophia by Sophia
  • 16 years ago

I love this poem I can relate, just a week ago my boyfriend came home from work we had just moved in our place together, and he said he was going to play the game with friends I said ok, later that night something told me to go over where he was suppose to be and just sit, and as I sat in the park I saw him coming from his ex girlfriends house. lol. Umm I had taken him back once before but never again, but I really loved your poem very realistic

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