Cheating Poem

Heart Broken By A Cheating Boyfriend

My poem is about what the heart feels when it's been broken by a cheating boyfriend.

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I was in love. He was the love of my life. We spent every day together. And then everything started to change. He stopped calling me. He took hours to reply. I pushed it off. His best friend...

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Dear Heart

© more by Barbara Bailey

Published by Family Friend Poems July 2011 with permission of the Author.

Dear heart, please stop breaking.
Please forget the one who caused this aching.
I know I am the one who placed him there,
But he was not true and I cannot share.
When I gave him my heart he promised the world,
But that promise he shared with more than one girl.
Dear heart, do you think that you will ever heal
And piece back together what I allowed him to steal?
How will I ever fall in love again?
Dear heart, will you ever let anyone else in?


more by Barbara Bailey

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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Jamie Parras by Jamie Parras
  • 5 years ago

In my life, all I ever wanted was to be truly loved, but so far, I haven't even come close to finding that special man. I've had a lot of losers who have come in my life and have done nothing but take, take, take, and use and abuse my heart. Today here I sit alone and once again with a disgusted feeling in my heart for I have let another man come and tear me down just one more time! I'm not afraid anymore because I don't have to worry about a broken heart any longer because I will no longer trust another man for as long as I live, so my dream of just being loved has just came to an end.

  • Alex Gregory by Alex Gregory
  • 5 years ago

A poem response of learning to love again after you've been cheated on.

Dear heart, he will stop the breaking.
He will replace all this aching.
I will not make the same mistake putting him there.
This one is true; I know he will not share.
I didn't even need to give him my heart for him to promise the world,
And that promise I know is only kept with one girl.
Dear heart, I know that you will heal
And piece back together what I allowed him to steal.
I've fallen in love again.
Dear heart, thank you for letting him in.

  • Mel by Mel
  • 5 years ago

The same happened to me. Even though I'm broken, our time is coming soon. We must forget them and not look back. We should move on and be in a good state, and one day they'll come to us, but we shouldn't let them in.

  • Jesseca Michelle by Jesseca Michelle
  • 8 years ago

I was in love. He was the love of my life. We spent every day together. And then everything started to change. He stopped calling me. He took hours to reply. I pushed it off. His best friend texted me, telling me that he was with his girlfriend. I did not believe it. I was his girlfriend. I asked him. He denied it at first. And then he admitted. He found someone else. He did not want to do long distance anymore. I was crushed. We were together for almost 5 years. I thought he was the one. I guess I was just a young, foolish girl in love.

  • Lini Kaladharan by Lini Kaladharan, India
  • 7 years ago

Don't feel bad....He doesn't deserve your true love. Keep in mind that somewhere, someone is searching for you in every person they meet.

  • Samridhi by Samridhi
  • 8 years ago

You know one has to get at least one bad partner to be truly thankful for the right one. You will get someone who is worthy of your love.

  • Alex by Alex
  • 9 years ago

We met at work and were friends for a year before we started dating. He was married but told me he was in the midst of getting a divorce. We were happy and moved in with each other. A year after moving in with each other I became pregnant with our first daughter. 5 months into the pregnancy he wanted to go back with his wife that also had twins with someone else, the girl twin died. A lot of pain and confusion has been with me. Even if you are friends with someone you don't know them. They will lie and cheat and leave you with no problem. Be careful who you let in your heart and body.

  • Mary Beth Talley by Mary Beth Talley
  • 11 years ago

My boyfriend of 13 years had cheated on me with my friend and he thought I wouldn't find out but I did and I was crushed. He was my everything and he promised me the world. He even gave me a engagement ring which I pawned it because it was too painful to look at.....

  • Shayla by Shayla, Madison
  • 11 years ago

I had a boyfriend he was 16 and I'm 16 and he told me he loved me and I thought it was true but then he cheated on me with another boy. So I found out he was gay so he didn't really like me at all.

  • Lyric by Lyric
  • 12 years ago

I am 16 I loved a boy. He was 15 he was my best friend and my boy friend. He was there for me for everything. We dated for a whole year I though he was the one. He was the star football player and wrestler, me I was the mma girl. He gave me a ring to say I love you and one day we will be together forever. He was not faithful. I saw him kiss her I didn't think it was true. I found out he was cheating on me our whole relationship, has had sex with a lot of girls. I wasn't going to be on his list I said no. Next I find out he went to rehab 2 relapses he hurt me when he called and said he was sorry and he sobered up for me I will always love him but I want to hate him. I don't know what to do.

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