Betrayal Poem

I was dating this "man" for quite a few years. I thought we were both happy. Turns out I was wrong. He wanted more. I was no longer enough. He started to take off for a couple days at a time. He wouldn't call or even text to let me know he was even alive. Finally I had enough. When he finally decided to come home, for once I wasn't waiting for him. Instead, this poem took my place.

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I am touched. The poem is so painful and real as I look to my relationship, it makes sense and made me cry.

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Silent Cries That Completely Die

© more by Sabrina

Published by Family Friend Poems November 2015 with permission of the Author.

There's no place I'd rather be
Than in your heart
And in your dreams.
Hoping forever we would be
In this lovely anarchy,
But so you know, I have been hurting,
Crying these silent tears.
My heart sinks at the thought
Of us being one for so many years.
Mascara stains this face
As my heart begins to race.
The back of my throat starts to burn
As I wonder, "When will you return?"
I've decided I can't take much more pain.
Will we both lose or will you gain?
These silent tears create a lack of words.
One thing's for sure,
You can't live in both worlds.
So look me in the eyes,
For it's your time to decide.
I love you with all my heart.
But you can't keep tearing it apart.
So sit down and listen to my silent cries
Before my heart goes black
And our love completely dies.


more by Sabrina

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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Gift G. Munyai by Gift G. Munyai
  • 8 years ago

I am touched. The poem is so painful and real as I look to my relationship, it makes sense and made me cry.

  • Amanda Mount by Amanda Mount, CA
  • 9 years ago

Today I sit here after reading this poem. It brought tears into my eye's because I can relate to everything she was saying. My man of 6 1/2 years, I guess he wanted more kids and I can't have them. He knew this before we became serious Then just like the lady I just read about, he stopped coming home for days. Then he would come bring me food and go be with the other girl. She started out as the mistress and before long I realized that I'm now the mistress. What a slap in my face. He wouldn't text me nor answer my calls neither. I used to worry about him, walk for miles to try to find him, just to say hi, remember me, I'm still alive waiting for you, and he finally told me that he loved us both. I couldn't accept that, we promised each other forever. I kept my promise and he broke his without losing any sleep. I sit and wait for a man that was never gonna show up and when he did it was so brief. I would beg him to stay with me but he didn't and I ended up as always sad and alone crying for him to return to me.

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