1. Winter Warmth
Piles of snow beneath my boots
chilly winds blowing everywhere
snow keeps mounting on the posts
on the windows and on the roads
Winter is the season when the whole world seems to go to sleep. The weather is cold, the ground is hard, and the trees and plants seem to be dead. Since there is little else to do, it is a time that is conducive to working hard. There isn't much else to do, and the weather seems to suggest that we must buckle down and do the things that we have been avoiding. This is not a bad thing. It can very satisfying to work hard and be creative. Creativity is part of our makeup. Without a purpose in our lives, depression would quickly set in.
Piles of snow beneath my boots
chilly winds blowing everywhere
snow keeps mounting on the posts
on the windows and on the roads
I loved it...It is simply perfect..thank you for giving me a lovely poem to enjoy..
Sensational tresses like locks of snow
Passionate eyes like embers aglow
A pale face with indication of desire
Surrounded by subtle white fire
So beautiful! A new way to see winter in my life. Too bad it doesn't snow near my home.
Timeless thoughts of a winter's stare;
eyes gazing over a landscape bare.
Memories drift on a blustery breeze;
I love this poem! Keep writing! I just love how you made it rhyme is some sort of way!
An awesome scene the artist paints, expert and deft his hand.
Brush strokes swift, he draws with ease, a winter wonderland.
Landscape sketched from memory, heavens and land entwine
Rapidly the scene is set, exquisitely divine.
Awesome poetry!!!
You paint a picture so extremely grand
of a magical winter wonderland
Though Jack Frost may bite fingers, nose and toes,
his art compares to Michelangelo's.
Shimmering lakes of silvery ice
welcomes skaters' scarring slice.
Hills adorned in lacy white
watch children sleigh into the night.
This poem is absolutely beautiful! My 3-6year old Montessori students have worked on memorizing this poem for their Memorization Work this month. They are able to recite the entire thing!
Winter's sleep so close to death,
piercing with his arctic breath.
Brittle, naked limbs stretch high
Famous Poem
I stood beside a hill
Smooth with new-laid snow,
A single star looked out
From the cold evening glow.
It gives me a certain joy to be in a place in the forest or a shore or anywhere in nature and imagine that I'm the only person who has ever been in that exact spot. As a young boy, I would...
Snowy white fox of the Arctic,
was it your brush-like tail
that sprayed snow, like crystal sparks,
adorning the dark sky with a shimmering veil?
Famous Poem
When I see birches bend to left and right
Across the lines of straighter darker trees,
I like to think some boy's been swinging them.
But swinging doesn't bend them down to stay
I love this poem. It make me appreciate what the writer had done.
The snow slowly falling off the trees,
The feel of the cold sharp breeze.
The feel of the soft powdery snow,
The sun going down with a bright glow.
On those cold and frosty winter's mornings when the grass crunches beneath your feet,
and you're wrapped up in layers, hats and scarves, as is everyone else you meet
When each time you exhale a breath of steam quickly disappears into the chilled air,
Thank you for your kind words, it's a great feeling to know that something I wrote is enjoyed by others, and those so far away. Kind regards -Paul
Spirals of frozen pieces in air
Flakes of crystal falling in pair
Ground laying with fair icy sand
December welcomes a paradise land
Famous Poem
Crisply the bright snow whispered,
Crunching beneath our feet;
Behind us as we walked along the parkway,
Our shadows danced,
Bleak winter sunset with sky of lavender.
Winter pears cling like dead, crinkled ornaments
from gnarled branches,
unwilling to let summer go from arthritic grip.
Famous Poem
The sky is gray as gray may be,
There is no bird upon the bough,
There is no leaf on vine or tree.
Snow is falling, as quiet as a mouse;
On people and on dogs, and on our house.
A fluffy blanket now covers the street -
The cars are white, and that is neat.
I love this poem! It brings back so many memories of my childhood and my two sons growing up and the snow days off of school. They would be peeking out the window most of the night, wishing &...
Borrowed scarf, stolen carrot and mittens,
frostbitten fingers determined to finish,
eyes were a button and a bottle cap squished in.
Mothers called but no one listened -