Winter Poem

Poem On Jack Frost's Masterpiece The Beauty Of Winter

I think the line that best describes me is "Jack of all trades, master of none," as I will try my hand at anything and don't like to be defeated! I've always enjoyed reading poetry but had never written anything myself. I wrote this poem last week as I looked out of the window at the oncoming winter. I'm quite proud of it as it's my first attempt.

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Awesome poetry!!! You paint a picture so extremely grand of a magical winter wonderland Though Jack Frost may bite fingers, nose and toes, his art compares to Michelangelo's.

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Winter's Artist


Published by Family Friend Poems February 2017 with permission of the Author.

An awesome scene the artist paints, expert and deft his hand.
Brush strokes swift, he draws with ease, a winter wonderland.
Landscape sketched from memory, heavens and land entwine
Rapidly the scene is set, exquisitely divine.

Pine trees reaching tall and proud, like statues standing still.
There is no wind to speak of, more an icy winter chill.
Strong branches dusted with the snow stretch their fingers high
As if welcoming the blanket bequeathed by the darkened sky.

Crisp snowflakes twirl like dancers, pirouetting to and fro,
Waltzing to their silent tune toward the ground below.
Pale moonlight generously showers diamonds all around.
Its treasure glints and sparkles upon the hardened ground.

Snowfall in shades of silver envelops the land below,
Lighting up the darkness with its soothing, gentle glow.
Mellow in its nature, no preference where it lays,
Takes refuge where and when it can, throughout the winter days.

Though bereft of colour is the scene, prevailing grey and white,
Its awe inspiring beauty is apparent day and night.
Who nonchalantly paints this scene, for all on earth to share?
His strokes proficient every time, precise and so aware.
Jack Frost paints wondrous pictures with his palette of frozen dew,
Then stands back when his work is done and proudly admires the view.


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • 5 years ago

I love your use of personification and other figurative language in this poem! It really gives me a sense of vivid imagery. This is an awesome poem, let alone a first attempt at one! Congratulations on making Poem of the Day.

Awesome poetry!!!
You paint a picture so extremely grand
of a magical winter wonderland
Though Jack Frost may bite fingers, nose and toes,
his art compares to Michelangelo's.

  • Mia  A. Lassiter by Mia A. Lassiter
  • 8 years ago

Beautiful descriptions of the winter season. Great job!

  • Arun S. Raj by Arun S. Raj, BANGALORE, KARNATAKA, INDIA
  • 8 years ago

Beautifully written. Great talent. Continue writing. God bless.

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