Famous Nature Poem

Sara Teasdale’s (1884-1933) “A Winter Blue Jay” was published in the book Rivers to the Sea in 1915. This poem features two lovers enjoying a beautiful winter day. They think nothing could be better than the sights they’ve already experienced, but then they spot a bluejay. Just as their day is filled with more beauty, so is their love as time moves forward. Sara Teasdale married Ernst Filsinger. Unfortunately, he traveled a lot for work, leaving her lonely, and their marriage ended in 1929.

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Famous Poem

A Winter Blue Jay

Sara Teasdale By more Sara Teasdale

Crisply the bright snow whispered,
Crunching beneath our feet;
Behind us as we walked along the parkway,
Our shadows danced,
Fantastic shapes in vivid blue.
Across the lake the skaters
Flew to and fro,
With sharp turns weaving
A frail invisible net.
In ecstasy the earth
Drank the silver sunlight;
In ecstasy the skaters
Drank the wine of speed;
In ecstasy we laughed
Drinking the wine of love.
Had not the music of our joy
Sounded its highest note?
But no,
For suddenly, with lifted eyes you said,
“Oh look!”
There, on the black bough of a snow flecked maple,
Fearless and gay as our love,
A bluejay cocked his crest!
Oh who can tell the range of joy
Or set the bounds of beauty?


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