1. You Forever
You inspire
Inspire me everyday
Everyday, now and always
A love poem will not always be long and flowery. Sometimes what you need to say can be very short. In fact it may be the fact that the poem is short that makes it special. Its short length may show that you put the time and effort in to make every word count. You considered carefully every word choice. Every word choice has a reason behind it. A short poem can be the ultimate act of romance when it is given the time and effort that it deserves.
You inspire
Inspire me everyday
Everyday, now and always
Ha! Now you're just flattering me ;) Truly it means a GREAT deal to me to hear that, Ann. More than you know...
Looking forward to your next masterpiece.
You are
what I’ve been
searching for,
chasing after,
When I miss you,
I seek solace in my heart and soul
For in its depths, your essence I know.
Thank you for your kind comments. Much appreciated!
You hold my hand,
I, like a child, feel safe.
You hold my hand,
I feel a warm embrace.
Ann, all of your work is so special, amazing, and creative. I am so jealous at how you can convey a deep, powerful message in so few words. I tend to ramble on and on, and I literally can't...
How beautiful it is and how vividly expressed!
The way you need love is that he must "love you through it all". The simplest yet the most complex thing to do is to keep loving through the...
My love for you is like the raging sea,
So powerful and deep it will forever be.
Through storm, wind, and heavy rain,
It will withstand every pain.
This poem touched me because it reminds me of my boyfriend. We can't be together but we still climb mountains and swim the deepest oceans to be together because we love each other .
As I get to know you more and more
My feelings for you start getting harder to ignore
I love talking to you every day
Even when there's not much to say
Love is like a river,
A never ending stream.
Love is shared by each other
To answer someone's dream.
Love has no rights or wrongs. It's a feeling that's so strong, like a tall building high above the sky. It's hard to reach from underneath that bright blue sky. Once I look into your loving...
A squillion stars shine in the sky.
Soaring angels sing sweet songs nearby.
I wake and smile, my dreams are true.
The star in my arms, my sun, is you.
Peter, I love your love story; it's a story of hope and glory . . .
It goes to show, when the going gets tough,
nothing can stand in the way of true love.
Love's the link from one heart...
The world seems
somehow slower
when you are
next to me.
A million stars up in the sky.
One shines brighter - I can't deny.
A love so precious, a love so true,
a love that comes from me to you.
Trust, love, respect. Sweetheart, you give me all of that. You are my greatest inspiration. You always instill in me that you'll always be there for me. You pour your heart out to me each...
What do I do,
When I'm still in love with you?
You walked away,
'Cause you didn't want to stay.
This has blessed me. I am very happy reading it but also sad because it’s a sad poem. Another comment said it made my heart leap. It touches me right in my heart. It is now my lock screen and...
Beauty isn't seen by eyes.
It's felt by hearts,
Recognized by souls,
In the presence of love.
Literally, you looked beyond what you could see. I love it.
When you smile at me, I lose myself.
You give me this feeling that makes me overwhelmed.
When your hand is in mine, I feel totally fine,
And that's the reason I had to make you mine.
So much love to you, writer. I wish he could utter these words to me.
When I say I love you, please believe it's true.
When I say forever, know I'll never leave you.
When I say goodbye, promise me you won't cry,
Because the day I'll be saying that will be the day I die.
This poem has really made me remember my true love. I also said the exact same thing to him, but he never believed it. And I still don't know why. We were together for a year, and suddenly he...
Live, love, laugh,
play, fight, cry.
Time seems short when it's just you and I,
so I'll live every moment as if it were my last,
This is great...so simple and says a lot. Love this.
Take my heart; I'll give it with ease.
Take my hand and walk this journey with me.
Take these scars and heal them all up.
Take these fears and make them vanish when things get tough.
A simple poem but expresses the desires of a living being: love, protection and care.
That poem is beautiful. I loved it. You're really good.
L is for "laughter" we had along the way.
O is for "optimism" you gave me every day.
V is for "value" of being my best friend.
E is for "eternity," a love that has no end.
This poem means the world to me. I have been with my partner for nearly two and a half years, and we have had some tough times, but we have always gotten through them. Right now we are going...
I wake up every day with your smile on my mind.
It's a beautiful sight to behold, so soft and so kind.
My dreams are filled with the thought of me and you.
I awake and smile, for my dreams have come true.
I wish you'd know how close you are to my heart or how you and my thoughts never part. Or how you made me realize that love is one beautiful art. To explain this feeling, how do I even start?...