You hold my hand,
I, like a child, feel safe.
You hold my hand,
I feel a warm embrace.
You hold my hand,
my fears begin to fade.
You hold my hand,
and I am less afraid.
You hold my hand,
I know a sense of peace.
You hold my hand,
I feel my troubles cease.
A Comforting Touch
Ann, all of your work is so special, amazing, and creative. I am so jealous at how you can convey a deep, powerful message in so few words. I tend to ramble on and on, and I literally can't...
A Helping Hand
Published by Family Friend Poems May 2022 with permission of the Author.
Ann D. Stevenson only began writing after she retired, when she joined a Writing for Well-Being course. It was during a difficult time, as her husband had been diagnosed with terminal cancer. She found writing very therapeutic, more especially poetry. It was a real boost to her morale when Family Friend Poems began publishing her poems.