Short Love Poem

You Have Made My Dreams Come True

Such a short poem but so full of meaning. A few years ago, I thought my marriage was over. There were many sparkling stars but no sun. By God's grace, we're back together. This poem celebrates life, love, and commitment. It is about the joy of my life, my wife, who believed in us even when I had lost all hope in us. She is my daily miracle.

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Peter, I love your love story; it's a story of hope and glory . . . It goes to show, when the going gets tough, nothing can stand in the way of true love. Love's the link from one heart...

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Sun Kissed

Peter C. Free ©

Published by Family Friend Poems December 2019 with permission of the Author.

A squillion stars shine in the sky.
Soaring angels sing sweet songs nearby.
I wake and smile, my dreams are true.
The star in my arms, my sun, is you.


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Hello Peter, I loved your poem because I read your introduction' a suggestion you mentioned on the forums. The meaning behind it takes it to a higher level. It is very relatable. . Great job. Lucylove2022

Peter, I love your love story; it's a story of hope and glory . . .

It goes to show, when the going gets tough,
nothing can stand in the way of true love.
Love's the link from one heart to another
unbreakable when you love each other.

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