1. A Flame And A Friend
We never saw it coming when our friendship first began,
but it became a sweet romance that set off destiny's plan.
Having a love to treasure and a love to defend
is the fire and passion in a flame and a friend.
A relationship is a connection between two individuals. When a couple falls in love it has become a loving relationship. The relationship has moved from two people simply in contact with each other to two people who can't get enough of each other. A loving relationship may build slowly like a train coming in the distance until when it gets to you it emits a deafening roar. Or you may be two people totally oblivious to the relationship that is developing when suddenly you are hit with the realization that you have fallen in love. People are complex and love develops in different ways.
We never saw it coming when our friendship first began,
but it became a sweet romance that set off destiny's plan.
Having a love to treasure and a love to defend
is the fire and passion in a flame and a friend.
The map of the heart is a rugged terrain
that throws you off course causing pleasure or pain.
Uncharted territory with no paths or roads
where battles are fought or love can grow.
I'm so delighted you chose to promote this poem, as through this I discovered the rest of your poems published by Family Friends. A wonderful discovery - keep writing. Best wishes, Ann.
Famous Poem
I care not for the many,
If but my few are kind;
How poor are they who never joy
Apart from crowds can find.
What does it look like when a heart breaks?
Is it watery eyes driving the interstate?
What does it sound like when the pieces fall away?
Is it rhythm and melody?
Good to get it out there. I do hope the writing helped. Even if it didn't help you, I'm sure it will help others.
Best wishes, Ann
When thunder and lightning begin to collide
to rock our world and cause a divide,
we'll hold on tight through the twists and turns
and remember the love inside us that burns.
A lovely poem - I'm sure many people will relate to it - like me. I will now look into the other poems you have written. Best wishes, Ann
I know we're old now and our bodies don't work as they should.
But if I could dance with you once more I surely would.
To dance as we did without a care.
I'll always remember the day I met you
The way you used to hold me, the day we said I do
We were always together, at work or at play
Time only means our love will grow.
May we dance to a tempo sure and slow.
Once we built fortresses of snow,
If you see the pain upon my face, it's not so hard to take.
Although it hurts a lot sometimes, it's a very special ache.
If I seem to be uneasy or appear to be so blue,
It's just my heart's too small to hold all the love I feel for you.
Love is an emotion we feel too quick.
Time is what we need, this is the trick.
Love will find you when you are ready.
"Love is an emotion we feel too quick"
"It's an emotion that touches your soul"
That's the naked truth, and when you rush it out, your soul will end up being crashed and torn into pieces...
I don’t want attachment.
I want love.
I don’t want you to be
Just tell her she is perfect in the dark
her light shines
so the whole world can see her heart
hold her tight
I am in a new relationship. My favorite thing is when he tells me how beautiful I am or how he loves the way my eyes gleam. I know it won't always be this magical, but I want to hold on to it...
Better today than I was before,
in this moment with the one whom I adore.
Take the fall, take the risk.
Maybe end up twisted, tangled, worn out, missed.
I hope you find
the one who quiets
the screams.
I hope you find
Another job very well done. Very insightful and very easy to read. I like this style.
My darling, remember those days long ago,
When we both held hands through rain and snow?
We cheerfully chatted and were full of fresh life.
How positive we were in our strife.
There're many women I have met
And loved throughout my years.
Some provided joy I'd get,
But most provided tears.
Bravo! I think there are many who find the humor and honesty in these lines!
From the moment our eyes met,
My soul could never forget.
You handed me your number on a scrap piece of paper
And walked away with my heart.
Famous Poem
No one worth possessing
Can be quite possessed;
Lay that on your heart,
My young angry dear;