Relationship Poem

Don't Rush Love

Too many rush into the wrong choices...we need to slow down, look and breathe before we jump.

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"Love is an emotion we feel too quick" "It's an emotion that touches your soul" That's the naked truth, and when you rush it out, your soul will end up being crashed and torn into pieces...

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Sandra Hearth © more by Sandra Hearth

Published by Family Friend Poems February 2022 with permission of the Author.

Love is an emotion we feel too quick.
Time is what we need, this is the trick.

Love will find you when you are ready.
Just enjoy life, take it nice and steady.

The beauty of life is there to be taken.
And when the time is right, your heart will awaken.

Love is not a race, nor a goal;
It's an emotion that touches your soul.

It will fill your life and make it complete.
Be patient and calm, and love you will meet.



I love writing ...funny, sad, happy, whatever I'm feeling.
It's a joy and I can leave behind all the noise of this world and go to places that make me feel, sometimes I cry, sometimes I laugh.
It's therapeutic a lot ot of the time, life's journey can take us to places we didn't choose and writing helps me heal.

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  • 3 years ago

"Love is an emotion we feel too quick"
"It's an emotion that touches your soul"
That's the naked truth, and when you rush it out, your soul will end up being crashed and torn into pieces because you ended up loving the wrong person. Take time, enjoy life, and love will find you.

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