Relationship Poem

Poem For A Loved One With Depression

I wrote this poem for a partner of mine who went through a bad time with depression.

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My girlfriend is in prison for taking her husband's life. She was abused very badly by him, and when she was growing up, she was sexually abused, physically abused, and mentally abused. She...

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My Darling

Emma Marie Etwell © more by Emma Marie Etwell

Published by Family Friend Poems March 2009 with permission of the Author.

My darling, my girl,
Why are you so sad?
Why can't you see that life is not all bad?
You're my angel.
Please don't cry,
I don't understand, so please tell me why?
Your beautiful face,
Your fading smile,
I vow to make you happy for more than just a while.
You're so precious,
Why can't you see?
I beg you to break that chain,
Then you'll be free.
The past is gone,
It's not going to change,
But the future is yours...
For you to arrange,
Live your life,
Be happy, don't cry.
I'm here and now those tears can dry.
I love you, my darling,
Let go of the sorrow,
Because I'm here for you....
Yesterday, today, and tomorrow.


more by Emma Marie Etwell

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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Stanley Newberry by Stanley Newberry
  • 3 years ago

My girlfriend is in prison for taking her husband's life. She was abused very badly by him, and when she was growing up, she was sexually abused, physically abused, and mentally abused. She and her husband got into a fight one night and he ended up dying from the fight. When she went to prison for the death of her husband, her younger kids where adopted. She had to give up her rights, according to the law. She misses them very dearly. I'm trying to find really awesome poems that can relate to her situation. Thank you!

  • Alyssa Margaret by Alyssa Margaret
  • 6 years ago

This poem made me cry. It's so sweet and appreciated. Thanks for this.

  • Amol Ubhe by Amol Ubhe
  • 7 years ago

Suicide doesn't take away the pain; it gives it to someone else. I started a blog because I have been affected by people in my life attempting suicide. My wife and I got married on March 6, 2016. Three months later on June 11, she attempted suicide. I didn't even know she was facing this problem. She was depressed but wouldn't talk to me about it. Please help everyone who needs help.

  • Keenen M. Walker by Keenen M. Walker, Milwaukee, WI
  • 6 years ago

Sometimes we just feel lost. Even though people are there, nothing helps stop that pain, that sadness eating away at our hearts. I almost lost myself to suicide, and if it weren't for my angel, I would be dead right now. She saved me, just as I'm sure you saved your wife. I hope she is well and I hope you are well. Your poem is very beautiful and I hope to read more.

  • Leann Toll by Leann Toll
  • 6 years ago

That's true. My boyfriend and I both cut ourselves. We care about each other so much that we're scared of losing each other.

  • Niana Business by Niana Business
  • 12 years ago

hey, that was an amazing poem. have you read it to her? I think you should. make sure you be there for her, even if it seems like she doesn't need it, she does. she's a lucky person to have a friend like you! keep writing, you're great at it! "the past is gone, it's not going to change, but the futures yours to arrange..."

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