Relationship Poem

Overcoming Hardship Makes A Relationship Stronger

This is about me and my girl and all the trials we have been through, but yet our love always overcame them. It is a deep, pure love that withstood each trial.

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This poem totally touches my heart. My boyfriend dumped me when I was pregnant in 2010. I cried and cried many times, but he came back to me after 1 year. Now we are in love or 9 years. Our...

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Published by Family Friend Poems August 2015 with permission of the Author.

Times have been tough, and things have gone wrong,
But the deep love we share has been there all along.
You say why go on, there's nothing that's right,
But we never give up; we continue to fight.

There's a light of love that gives us our sight.
Our hearts may get dark at times, but we know there is light.
We both have situations not fair,
But inside we get through them because of something special we share.

The trials make you aware of the way we feel,
A love that is not fake but so very real.
I know at times that it seems like a raw deal,
But we must get through these trails until we are healed.

Trials are not easy, and you feel there's no hope.
There are times when you feel you're at the end of your rope,
But you must go down deep in the pit of your heart.
Let it stop your despair and give a new start.

For true love for each other is a gift some never get,
So when that trial comes, don't ever forget
That there is a rare thing we share that had to come from above,
And those trials will end; what got you through was pure love.


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Renelyn Negrido by Renelyn Negrido
  • 6 years ago

This poem reminds me and shows me how strong love is. Thanks for this.

  • Valentine by Valentine
  • 7 years ago

Times are hand. Things change, people change. That's exactly what I was experiencing in my life until we saw the light of love. We almost called it a day.

  • Thembisile Nyawo by Thembisile Nyawo
  • 7 years ago

This poem totally touches my heart. My boyfriend dumped me when I was pregnant in 2010. I cried and cried many times, but he came back to me after 1 year. Now we are in love or 9 years. Our daughter is 7 years old, and I'm 26. Everything is going well. I love him so much. Thanks to the writer of this poem.

  • Adam R. Scarberry by Adam R. Scarberry
  • 8 years ago

Very well written poem. I am going through a similar situation myself. There was a time in my marriage when I felt it was over and time to go, but the strength of love between a man and woman is so pure and overpowering. Thank you for sharing this. Please take a look at the poem I submitted called "A Love Almost Lost." It sums up a lot about what marriage was/is like for me, and how we conquered our trials and tribulations.

  • Amanda Marks by Amanda Marks
  • 8 years ago

This poem is exactly what I've been going through in my current relationship. I feel so desperate sometimes for relief from it due to the stress it causes, because of the pain, both physically and mentally. But I love him. Right now I'm just trying to get myself right with God so that I can truly see where I belong. Thank you for this poem. Its words spoke volumes to my heart.

  • Xiao Li by Xiao Li
  • 9 years ago

I am going through some trials right now. They have not been the easiest, but I am doing my best to persevere and mend my relationship.

  • Katura Brown by Katura Brown
  • 9 years ago

Thank you for sharing this heartfelt poem. Love is a journey and I can truly relate to this poem as it describes exactly how I'm feeling with My Love. Hang in there for true love lasts forever.

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