Relationship Poem

Poem About A Love Worth Waiting For

This poem is for a special woman. I took the chance to let her see me for who I am after many failed relationships veiled in mystery. I would only let women know only so much about me because of my insecurities and mistrust, which leaves one feeling very unfulfilled and not complete. So I decided to just be totally open and whether she accepted me or rejected me, it was a victory for me because I was honest.

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this poem is very similar to my situation....its a beautiful poem, very well written

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What I Have Been Missing


Published by Family Friend Poems August 2010 with permission of the Author.

You invaded my private world
with your beautiful smile and understanding heart,
and I thought to myself that you were different
right from the very start.

You listened without judgment
to what I had to say,
and even after I was done with the good, the bad, the ugly,
you still didn't run away.

We developed a friendship with trust,
with no walls to build or guard.
We decided to leave the past behind and step into the good
that could be no matter our discomfort or how hard.

I've grown to love you with no hidden agenda or false pretense
but with only the real me,
letting you get to know the me
that most people never see.

I'm writing this to you
for you to understand
that spending time with you is so precious.
I never want to let go of your hand.

The time that we spend apart
cannot equal when we are together.
I miss you oh too much but when we meet again
it will be so much better.

Our time apart helps me see that you
are what I have been missing in my life.
A woman that is beautiful, kind, understanding, and loving,
you are the woman
I wished I would have met and been with long ago
and made you my wife.

Let's make each moment we are together count and overshadow the past
And love like never before because that will be what will forever last.

I love you.


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  • Jm by Jm, Holland
  • 13 years ago

this poem is very similar to my situation....its a beautiful poem, very well written

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