Relationship Poem

Poem About An Abusive Relationship

My daughter broke up with a wonderful guy of 5 years to date someone who is abusive, controlling, and so wrong for her. I feel as if he stripped her innocence away, and it breaks my heart seeing her in that kind of relationship. The worst part is that I blame myself because those are the kind of men I always chose, and she had to watch ALL HER LIFE. Now I have a wonderful relationship with a kind, wonderful man, but it's too late. As a parent, we are always examples to our children.

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Do You Know?

Amory W. Morgan © more by Amory W. Morgan

Published by Family Friend Poems April 2017 with permission of the Author.

Do you know how much she loves you?
Do you know how much she cares?
Do you know she would do anything for you?
Hurt you? She wouldn't dare!

Do you know how much
You hurt her each time you raise your fist?
Do you know you broke her spirit,
But alone it's you she'll miss!

Do you know she cares for nothing
Except being by your side?
Whatever she has to take,
She is ready for the ride.

In silence her heart is torn
Because she knows that you won't change,
But hasn't she suffered enough?
Hasn't she endured enough pain?

I blame myself for showing her
That all men can be mean.
She grew up in a home
Where she always heard me scream.

But think about what I'm saying
And understand all that I say.
She loves you beyond understanding;
Please love her the same way.

You truly have an angel,
A gift from God above.
Don't take her heart for granted.
Show her kindness, show her love.



I love poetry. It is the way I express myself, the way I grieve, overcome, and strengthen my soul. I’m not this talented, out of this world poet however I am all heart when I write and for me, if my heart is in my poetry then it will touch someone’s heart and that’s good enough for me!

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