Relationship Poem

Poem About Almost Getting Divorced

The night I met my wife, I took her for a ride on a four wheeler. When she got on the back I told her to hold on, but she only grabbed my shirt. So I gave it "full throttle" to make her grab ahold of me tighter. We fell in love fast and after ten years started drifting apart. I thought I no longer loved her until one night I heard the song from Travis Tritt, "Anymore," and I remembered all the good. Since then we both had looked back on our life together and realized we were meant to be together.

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Thank you, Martin. A big reason for me sharing this poem was to let others know that even when you think there's nothing left, love that is true and pure can and will come through. It's not...

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A Love Almost Lost

Adam R. Scarberry ©

Published by Family Friend Poems February 2017 with permission of the Author.

She pulled up the drive, and as she got out,
I said to myself, "There is no doubt,
The most beautiful thing I've seen in my life.
This woman before me will be my wife."

Campfire stories and fun four wheeling,
The loose grip on my shirt feeling.
"You better hold on with all of your might.
Our ride begins, starting tonight."

Wrapping her arms tight around my waist
After full throttle she got her first taste.
I promised to love her till the day that I die.
I put a ring on her finger with no wonder why.

Our love grew stronger and her heart I won,
So she blessed my world and gave me a son.
After many years had come and gone
Something had happened, something went wrong.

Why did we let things get so tough?
Why were our words so harsh and rough?
When she left that night, I died inside.
My anger built up and fueled my pride.

I thought it was over and wanted it so.
I thought it was time to let her go.
The lyrics of Tritt echoed as I hit the floor,
"I'm tired of pretending I don't love you anymore."

The tears flowing like a hurricane rain,
The heart I have, feeling so much pain.
I let "the one" walk out of my life,
The one I was once proud to call my wife.

Oh, what I would give to feel her touch,
Hold her in my arms and kiss her so much.
Make love to her like it was my last.
If only we could let go of the past.

Moving forward I will make it right.
I will not give up the hardest fight
To set out and accomplish our new found goals,
To defeat the demons within our souls.

We will overcome our flaws and our fears,
Even if it means shedding more tears.
My life without her I now have seen.
An empty throne beside me that belongs to my Queen.


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Jason by Jason
  • 3 years ago

Wow, that struck home and left me weeping. Thank you so much.

  • Brittany Rivera by Brittany Rivera
  • 7 years ago

Very touching poem, I love it. I can tell you wrote this poem from your heart.

  • Mentor Exhibit by Mentor Exhibit
  • 7 years ago

"We will overcome our flaws and our fears,
Even if it means shedding more tears."
I'm touched by the lines above of this splendid poem. Words of encouragement.

  • Martin J. Pelser by Martin J. Pelser
  • 8 years ago

What a touching poem - thank you so much for that! I can certainly draw some inspiration from it.

  • Adam R. Scarberry by Adam R. Scarberry Poet
  • 8 years ago

Thank you, Martin. A big reason for me sharing this poem was to let others know that even when you think there's nothing left, love that is true and pure can and will come through. It's not always easy, and it's not all romance and hugs and kisses. It takes hard work and dedication for two people to keep the flame burning, but it's worth it when you find the right one.

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