I Love You Poem

Explaining Your Love

My wife and I have been married for 42 years. It has NOT been easy! Sometimes you have to suck it up and let love keep you together. I'm really not a romantic person, but early on, I used to write little ditties to my honey to keep the fires burning. This is a short conglomerate of some of the things I wrote. I hope you can understand their true meaning.

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How Do I Love You?

© more by Randall W. West

Published by Family Friend Poems October 2022 with permission of the Author.

If you see the pain upon my face, it's not so hard to take.
Although it hurts a lot sometimes, it's a very special ache.
If I seem to be uneasy or appear to be so blue,
It's just my heart's too small to hold all the love I feel for you.

If I always seem so distant every time that we're alone,
You sense the insecurity in the feelings that I've shown.
Try not to think our romance has been a big mistake.
I want to listen to my heart; I'm just afraid it's going to break.

Love me, Dear, for what I am and accept the man I'm not.
Love the things I mean to say and pretend I've said a lot.
Love me, Dear, while we're up close but also from a distance.
For loving you is basic to my entire existence.



I have always enjoyed writing poems to express my feelings. They are a reflection of my mood at the time. Consequently, it could be remorseful, mischievous, or philosophical. I've frequently been asked to write for special occasions by family and friends. I do so but I don't really enjoy it because I'm locked into a time frame...

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