Famous Love Poem

The poem explores love through vivid imagery and cautionary advice. Love is likened to a ripe plum growing on a purple tree, enticing and enchanting those who taste it. Similarly, love is compared to a bright star in the Southern skies, captivating but potentially overwhelming if looked at too intently. Finally, love is likened to a high mountain in a windy sky, suggesting that while love can offer exhilarating highs, it's important not to push oneself too far or risk losing one's balance. Through these metaphors, Hughes offers insights into the complexities and dangers of love, urging readers to approach it with caution and moderation.

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Famous Poem

Love Song For Lucinda

Langston Hughes By more Langston Hughes

Is a ripe plum
Growing on a purple tree.
Taste it once
And the spell of its enchantment
Will never let you be.

Is a bright star
Glowing in far Southern skies.
Look too hard
And its burning flame
Will always hurt your eyes.

Is a high mountain
Stark in a windy sky.
If you
Would never lose your breath
Do not climb too high.


more Langston Hughes

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