21. A Moment Of Truth
My dear love, I wanted to share
My thoughts, my feelings and
What makes me despair.
I want to share with you
My dear love, I wanted to share
My thoughts, my feelings and
What makes me despair.
I want to share with you
I remember you, my darling, though distance and circumstances have kept us apart. You should know that even in silence love flows. I will never stop dreaming about you, waiting for the day...
We never saw it coming when our friendship first began,
but it became a sweet romance that set off destiny's plan.
Having a love to treasure and a love to defend
is the fire and passion in a flame and a friend.
I'll always remember the day I met you
The way you used to hold me, the day we said I do
We were always together, at work or at play
You invaded my private world
with your beautiful smile and understanding heart,
and I thought to myself that you were different
right from the very start.
this poem is very similar to my situation....its a beautiful poem, very well written
Famous Poem
No one worth possessing
Can be quite possessed;
Lay that on your heart,
My young angry dear;
Let me mend your broken heart
and wipe away your tears.
Let me hold you to stop your violent shaking
and warm your freezing hands.
Don't judge my cover; it's not mine.
I was given this to wear for the duration of my time.
Over time it has become creased, ripped, and worn,
A once perfect canvas the day I was born.
There're many women I have met
And loved throughout my years.
Some provided joy I'd get,
But most provided tears.
Bravo! I think there are many who find the humor and honesty in these lines!
If you see the pain upon my face, it's not so hard to take.
Although it hurts a lot sometimes, it's a very special ache.
If I seem to be uneasy or appear to be so blue,
It's just my heart's too small to hold all the love I feel for you.
Time is like the wind,
Slow and smooth.
Time can change swiftly,
Fast and fierce.
I know you're there
but my world is so bare.
Nothing is standing in your way,
I'm hoping you can make it one more day.
Manuel, my days are complete every day you wake up next to me. The hours of my day run by, knowing after work I run home to your smiles. My nights are so warm because your arms wrapped around...
I don’t want attachment.
I want love.
I don’t want you to be
I wish I knew what has become of the two of us
We used to talk, now I can't speak anymore
I'm told I speak way too loud
Nothing I have to say ever comes out right
This poem hit me right in my heart because my boyfriend of 30 years (he doesn’t believe in marriage) and I can handle that. What I can’t handle is that the last 4 or 5 years he has become...
I light a torch and hold it high
It shines so bright it lights the sky
You see the light, you know it's me
You find the strength and set yourself free
There once was a time
I would never feel last;
I'm not sure what happened,
But that feeling has become the past.
I feel the exact same way in my relationship, and I know it hurts deep down, but I know to never show how I actually feel. At one point I talked to my boyfriend about it and he ignored me for...
do your secrets rip and roar?
do they tear at you with open claws?
do your secrets dig down deep?
do the make you want to speak?
Famous Poem
I care not for the many,
If but my few are kind;
How poor are they who never joy
Apart from crowds can find.
Crackling fires and glasses of wine
a walk on the beach forgetting the time
this is all nice and things we should do
but these aren't the things that make me love you
Oh my God! This poem was immaculate! How I cried with knowing her love was so deep in every line! You are truly a loved man!
I start my journey on having faith
That someday I'll find my day
I know this day is not too late
For love to come my way
I saw this girl in college in 1986, and we fell in love instantly. She later reciprocated my love, and I was the happiest person. Unfortunately, after some time, she got married to someone...