Relationship Poem

Poem About The Ups And Downs Of Relationships

Poem on building relationships, and the ups and downs and constant work that is needed to maintain a loving relationship.

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Manuel, my days are complete every day you wake up next to me. The hours of my day run by, knowing after work I run home to your smiles. My nights are so warm because your arms wrapped around...

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I Love You


Published by Family Friend Poems February 2006 with permission of the Author.

I know you're there
but my world is so bare.
Nothing is standing in your way,
I'm hoping you can make it one more day.

Our relationship has grown so strong,
where could we have gone so wrong.
You were there when I needed you,
Now I'm here for you to need me too.

My love for you will stay the same,
never will I forget your name.
By my side, you will always stay,
I'll think of you day by day.


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Stephanie Gates by Stephanie Gates
  • 7 years ago

Manuel, my days are complete every day you wake up next to me. The hours of my day run by, knowing after work I run home to your smiles. My nights are so warm because your arms wrapped around me keep me secure. My days are all about you because mine are all yours. I love you, Manuel.

  • Ruby High by Ruby High
  • 7 years ago

I'm alone in my own home. But is this really my home? Did I ever belong here? To this family? This life? I don't know where I belong, but I need to be on my own. No one believes in me. I'm more than what you made me. I'm more than my biological parents. I'm more than the people who surround me. I just want whoever is reading this to listen to my sacrifice and pain. The struggle, the differences. Every day I've tried and tried to be more understanding, but no one believes in me. Now deep down inside I feel like I've died because my voice has not been heard. No one knows what I'm feeling. Every day I've followed my own voice because no one has listened to my voice, the song that I was trying to synchronize to everyone. Even though all of these things put a burden on me, I'm still standing. You may neglected me. You may have hurt me. I may be broken inside, but my dignity as a human being is not destroyed.

  • Nushan by Nushan
  • 7 years ago

We always argue every day.
What makes us think everything will be okay?
We laugh, we cry, until our voices becomes dry.
But still we're just wasting our times.
You said you'll be there,
But it's too late now because my mind has been more than crystal clear.
But why are we still here? Is it me or isn't you?
Or is it just because we're so used to the same mental abuse?
But that doesn't stop, does it, because we'll always be accused.

  • Tytiania Thomas by Tytiania Thomas, Desoto
  • 10 years ago

I'm in the 7th grade and this poem really made me cry on the inside.

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