Relationship Poem

Poem About Looking For A Lasting Connection

Whoever out there who feels the same, don't worry, love will come in the right time. Just be patient.

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I saw this girl in college in 1986, and we fell in love instantly. She later reciprocated my love, and I was the happiest person. Unfortunately, after some time, she got married to someone...

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Looking For Eternal Love


Published by Family Friend Poems December 2008 with permission of the Author.

I start my journey on having faith
That someday I'll find my day
I know this day is not too late
For love to come my way

Feeling lost in a chamber clear
Seeking truth for love to heal
All the pains I have to bear
What is love if it's not real

Shading my heart with shades of blue
Saving all my tears
Just to look for a love that's true
Taking all the risk

Walking through a lonely path
I know it's all I have
And there's nothing I can do
But to look for eternal love


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Neeraj by Neeraj
  • 6 years ago

I saw this girl in college in 1986, and we fell in love instantly. She later reciprocated my love, and I was the happiest person. Unfortunately, after some time, she got married to someone else and move from India to the US. We kept in touch off and on and meet publicly when she visits India. I am still madly in love with her...and she with me.

  • Justin J by Justin J, Texas
  • 10 years ago

I met this girl three years ago and I moved to California to be with her. We lasted for a year. I believe everything happens for a reason. Well, I met another girl while I was there in which we became good friends. She was with someone else at the time as was I till me and the one I was with split up. This other girl and I became closer over time and kept in contact for three years as friends. We lost contact for a few months but then out of the blue we started talking again and the energy between us is now great. I believe I was meant to meet the girl I met and moved in order to meet this other girl. As strange as it sounds it feels so right. Now she is the only woman I see myself with and I can see a vast future with her as my wife one day. I know now is not the time but I do believe in God's time we will be together. When I talk to her I get goosebumps and smile for no reason. These are things I've never felt before. I think she shares these feelings too. The point of my story is love only happens in time not our time but his Time and with time comes patience but it is worth it. I can't wait to see what my future holds...

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