1. I Wish To Be
The woman I wish to be
She's flawless in her step
And graceful in her actions
She's unafraid of her abilities
There are two kinds of dreams. There are dreams that we have while asleep and dreams that we have while we are awake. What is the connection between the two types? Both kinds of dreams are about the yearnings that are held deep inside us. Some of these desires are so secret that we dare not share them even with our closest friends. Those of us that dare to put our dreams down on paper are showing the courage and faith that they will come true.
The woman I wish to be
She's flawless in her step
And graceful in her actions
She's unafraid of her abilities
I'm living in my own little world.
I'm happy there, it's okay.
It's much more fun than the real one,
For the sun shines every day.
Sometimes at night I get up from my bed.
I go outside and I lay down my head.
On these cool fall nights, I lay in peace
Hello everybody! I am the author of this poem, and I just noticed that we reached 50 shares! Wow! I would like to thank everybody out there who shared my poem. It means a lot to me!...
Famous Poem
Take this kiss upon the brow!
And, in parting from you now,
Thus much let me avow —
You are not wrong, who deem
Most of what we learn we learn from others. It is the moments we ourselves have to live and learn that we realize most of what we are taught or preached have been lies. We all have to live...
Broken window shows each dream
Shattered lie you can't redeem
A wish upon a twisted heart
Diamond lie that ripped apart
Yea, go ahead :) I wrote it to show the world, so let those lyrics fly :) good luck
If you have a dream
that won’t go away
that gnaws at your toes
with each waking day.
This poem has touched my heart and motivates me to chase my dreams. The overall impression gives in-depth insights about the writer's journey that sheer hard work and resolute nature will...
Hold onto your dream while mindful of time.
Optimism required, let your light shine.
Persistence prevails, while some may cast doubt.
Expectation desired is what it's about.
Famous Poem
Hold fast to dreams
For if dreams die
Life is a broken-winged bird
That cannot fly.
I so get it. Dreams are hope to a lot of us. I've heard it said that before you get it you have to dream it. I think when we stop dreaming we stop reaching, and when we stop reaching we stop...
When I think of peace, I see myself in a world where I can truly be myself,
Who I choose to be, where I can just let go and be comfortable with who I am
A world with no hatred, racism, or pain
Preach preacher, preach. As an African American girl, I say this: We want peace! We want peace! We want peace!
There's a place where I go that no one else knows,
Where mysteries abound and excitement grows.
A place out of reach of any man's hands,
Safely secluded in a far away land
I get laughed at,
I get ignored,
I often feel trapped,
and I keep my thoughts stored.
It's a year late in response, and I apologize for that. I haven't checked on this poem for 5 years. I am 20 now...I gave up my love for writing. The world has beaten me down and...
Famous Poem
I stood on the bridge at midnight,
As the clocks were striking the hour,
And the moon rose o'er the city,
Behind the dark church tower.
Images of hope,
Locked up fear you share,
Love and desire,
All in your head somewhere.
Beautiful poetry, dreams take one to places unseen, to where broken hearts are redeemed. What would we do without dreams, they're the movies that creep into our heads as we are fast asleep...
I have my own dreams
and my own desires.
Something for which I'm keen,
want to set the world on fire.
I can understand you. Most of the Indian parents are like that. I, too, have a huge dream on which I am working on. My three friends and I have a dream, so we are getting more perfect on our...
Famous Poem
I often passed the Door of Dreams
But never stepped inside,
Though sometimes, with surprise, I saw
The door was open wide.
Catch your dream, don't let it go
'cause time is faster than you'll ever know.
No matter what, don't give up on what you believe.
When you give, you'll always receive.
We slip beneath the pillow's spell
And drift from heaven and into hell
To lose control of conscious mind
The secrets of our soul to find.
You're the driver of your destiny,
Passenger of none,
In control and looking forward
Of things that must be done.
She wanted to fly up in the sky.
With big dreams in her eyes and passion in her mind...
She never looked back; she never looked down.
I sleep in the clouds, dream in the sky.
I'll keep dreaming as life passes me by.
I think my dreams keep me sane.
I dream of happiness, a life without pain.
Don't you worry! Every difficulty and bad time comes in your/your loved one's life for a reason. Have you ever been to a railway station? When you find out that the train is not on time, do...