Inspiring Poem for Kids

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This poem has touched my heart and motivates me to chase my dreams. The overall impression gives in-depth insights about the writer's journey that sheer hard work and resolute nature will...

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© more by Mark Bird

Published by Family Friend Poems September 2021 with permission of the Author.

If you have a dream
that won’t go away
that gnaws at your toes
with each waking day.

That sings beneath notes
and swirls between stars.
From lines in great books
it thrashes and gnarls.

From cinema screens
it leaps along light
and twists your insides
and stalks you at night.

Then give it attention.
Tame that wild dream.
It’s there for a reason
yet to be seen.

A beast of the future
only you own.
Don't let it escape
into the unknown.

Train it with care
and boost its esteem.
Spotlight it brightly
so it can be seen.

Or dreams can turn nasty
tire and groan.
Diminishing creatures
if left all alone.

The beast never dies
just shrinks and goes cold.
A lone, solemn dream
growing weary and old.

So feed it with strength
Believe that it’s real
Nurture with love
And trust how it feels

Fight the dream-bruisers
wish-batterers too
and splatterers of hope
who'll be waiting for you.

Feel the roar rumble.
Hear every shout.
It’s your beast of a dream
just dying to get out.


Mark Bird is a primary teacher in London who has loved writing since the age of 11. He discovered poetry when he found an old tatty book of poems by A.A. Milne. Mark writes because he enjoys inventing characters, places and events that never existed before. He loves to write inspirational poems and stories; whether that be humorous narratives or work exploring children’s emotions. Mark has had his children’s poems published by Gill Education, The Caterpillar magazine and most recently, in Macmillan’s “The Best Ever Book of Funny Poems.”


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Preksha Puri by Preksha Puri
  • 3 years ago

This poem has touched my heart and motivates me to chase my dreams. The overall impression gives in-depth insights about the writer's journey that sheer hard work and resolute nature will help in making the mountain out of the molehill. Dreams have the power to change the future. Pearls of wisdom have ignited my imagination like I was born with the wings of fire. We should show the world our bold side by putting up our thinking caps and never stop chasing our dreams.

  • Mark Bird by Mark Bird
  • 3 years ago

Thank you for your wonderful words. I am glad you find strength in my poem. Mark

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