1. True Friends
Best friends stick together till the end.
They are like a straight line that will not bend.
They trust each other forever,
Being friends is about sharing our lives with others. There are some aspects of our lives that require that we spend a lot of time together or a lot of writing to help convey our feelings. Other times sharing only a few words are more than adequate. It is not always the long conversation that conveys the deepest feelings. Sometimes, longer modes of expression may seem redundant and lacking in profundity. Putting just the right combination of words on paper in a succinct style may just hit the spot.
Best friends stick together till the end.
They are like a straight line that will not bend.
They trust each other forever,
Dear best friends, you are the stars in my night sky. I can't thank you enough for being so encouraging and inspiring. I can't thank you enough for bringing sunshine to my life. You add a...
A friend is like a star that twinkles and glows
Or maybe like the ocean that gently flows.
A friend is like gold that you should treasure
And take care of forever and ever.
I love this so much it made my whole family smile.
They're the few people who accept silence over conversation.
A relationship like this denies silly promises and persuasion.
You don't feel the need to second guess thoughts or measure words.
I have some friends that I haven't seen in years and this poem makes me feel so good about how many friends I have. I love this poem and now it means a lot to me.
You came as a ray of light,
Made my life cheerful and bright,
Showering your affection over me
So that my face was full of glee.
I am a 6th grader, and I would like to share my story when I realized that till 5th grade my friends were all fake friends. When I came to 6th I was sure that I would not have any friends....
Friends will come,
and friends will go.
The seasons change,
I like that this is about friendship because that was very touching. Friends are coming and going. Different friends are meeting. I think friends and nature are my topics.
When someone's having a bad day,
A smile could go a long way,
So make sure to put one on
And keep it until the day is gone.
I love this poem because this poem describes a smile. A smile is the only thing that can change the mood of a person. A person can avoid and forget his pain. His life is changed because of a...
You're a friend, my companion.
When you come for tea,
You listen to my problems
And sort them out for me
Zoe! You are amazing! I'm only 11 myself, but my brother is your age and all he wants to ever do is play video games! So you're definitely using your life for the better! I'm sure you'd be an...
If you're feeling down; turn your frown upside down.
Put a smile on your face; take the world in your embrace.
Ask for a little help from the man up above.
And remember you have your best friend's love.
I had a best friend he was a good friend for awhile until he got a girlfriend and then never talked to me again until she broke up with him.
No other friend is quite like you.
No other friend could do exactly what you do.
No other friend could listen to my dreams,
No matter how weird it all seems.
My friend and I met in our school band. We had a lot of problems, but it didn’t break our relationship. But this semester, I’m going to another country to student, and she prepared for high...
A best friend is the one
who you can
talk to when no one is around
A best friend is the one
A true friend listens and cares when you cry. True friends share laughter and enjoy the ride of life. A true friend doesn't use angry words that tear one down. No. True friends together raise...
When you close your eyes, I am with you.
When you sleep, I shall protect you.
When you are angry, I will be there to calm you.
When you are ill, I am there to care for you.
the ones who encourage you
during uncertain times
who stand with you
when no one else will
Whenever life gets you down,
Remember I'll always be around;
All you have to do is call.
"A friend in need is a friend indeed." This short poem reflects this idea. One can feel happy if he/she has at least one true friend.
Famous Poem
Within this false world we may count ourselves blest,
If we have but one friend who is faithful and true;
And so in your friendship contented I'll rest,
And believe I have found that one blessing in you.
Aching heart and mind
Needs touch of a caring soul
Yearning company.
This poem touches me because I am currently in a very bad place...
I feel as though a good portion of my family has abandoned me, due to my recent actions...
I need to recognize that I am...
Close my eyes, I do give thought;
The lessons learned that I've been taught.
Share in kindness, lend an ear;
We all need
a safe space
to rest our tired feet
and set down