Short Friendship Poem

A poem about my friendship.

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Dear best friends, you are the stars in my night sky. I can't thank you enough for being so encouraging and inspiring. I can't thank you enough for bringing sunshine to my life. You add a...

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True Friends


Published by Family Friend Poems June 2011 with permission of the Author.

Best friends stick together till the end.
They are like a straight line that will not bend.

They trust each other forever,
No matter if you're apart or together.

They can be your hero and save the day.
They will never leave your side; they are here to stay.

They help you up when you fall.
Your true friends are best of all.


  • Stories 18
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  • Rating 4.22
Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Chyanne Hudson by Chyanne Hudson
  • 2 years ago

I truly appreciate your thoughts and the courage you have to putting out your thoughts on friendship because I automatically think of my best friend, so I'm going to write your poem on special paper and send it to my best friend.

  • Sumaya Jan by Sumaya Jan
  • 7 years ago

Dear best friends, you are the stars in my night sky. I can't thank you enough for being so encouraging and inspiring. I can't thank you enough for bringing sunshine to my life. You add a meaning to it. You stood by me when I have lost hope. I didn't know what friendship really meant until I met you. You are breath to the breathless person. You are hope to the hopeless person. Your presence in my life is equal to two billion people. Thanks!

  • Gloria by Gloria
  • 7 years ago

Nice poem. Loved it and going to present to my best friends. Dedicated to Dibyansha and Priyanka. Love you both...

  • Zainab O Bakene by Zainab O Bakene, Nigeria
  • 8 months ago

I had a best friend when in grade 3 but she left my school and went to another, of course we do chat once in a while. But I can feel it she's got another best friend. I met an introverted person last year We're really going on well. I don't know if she's my best friend now but I love her so much and apparently she does too. All our classmates are jealous of our friendship especially the guys.

  • Rizwan Mushtaq by Rizwan Mushtaq
  • 4 years ago

Dear best friends, you are the stars in my night sky. I can't thank you enough for being so encouraging and inspiring. I can't thank you enough for bringing sunshine to my life. You are breath to the breathless person. You are hope to the hopeless person. Your presence in my life is equal to two billion people.

  • Rinku Bhansali by Rinku Bhansali
  • 8 years ago

I am apart from my friends, but still we chat and remember each other. We chat and share secrets. It’s true that they will remain your friends if you’re apart from them. Love you, dear friends.

  • Mickaylar Pont by Mickaylar Pont
  • 9 years ago

My bestie and I are friends forever no matter what happens and we will stick together till the end.

  • Gabriella Gallardo by Gabriella Gallardo, Inglewood
  • 10 years ago

If my best friend was ever murdered I wouldn't go to her funeral because I'd be in jail for killing the person that killed her. That is how much I love her.

  • Sharon Patole by Sharon Patole
  • 8 years ago

Woooo hoooo true fact! It seriously will be a true thing for most of the true friends.

  • Diana by Diana, Mo
  • 10 years ago

I always thought nothing could split me and my best friend apart, but somehow we did this year. We were both tom boys. She started to change about 4 months ago, she started to not text me anymore. I can't believe I was blind for 4 months that we weren't friends anymore. We still talk at lunch, but we will never be best friends. I am now living life with my other 2 best friends. Rachel, I meet in 4th grade and is still there for me. The other one is Elevith, I meet earlier this year, she moved from Honduras not knowing any English, and me knowing vey little Spanish. Next thing I knew she was teaching me Spanish, and I was teaching her English. She now specks English pretty good in just 5-6 months, I am still learning but getting better in Spanish. She also meet me with this guy that also moved from Honduras not knowing any English either. Him and I are now dating, and I am teaching him English. I am Elevith's Danish sister, and she is my Honduran sister. I will love her forever.

  • Destiny by Destiny
  • 10 years ago

My best friend and I are still together. But we tend to argue a lot. People are always between us. But I love her and always will.

  • Chante by Chante, SA
  • 11 years ago

Me and my bestie met last year and we are as close as friends can be we've only known each other for a year now but I love her very much ! She means a lot to me and she's always there for me !

  • Zozo by Zozo
  • 11 years ago

I was in a new school and met a friend. Then we became best friend, then at the end of the year I had to go a new school. I was so upset I might not see her again I started to cry and I don't know if I am going to see her again, SHE WAS THE ONLY BEST FRIEND I HAD.

  • Shakes U''mnyama by Shakes U''mnyama
  • 11 years ago

I was 18 years old, when I meet a friend from Qwaqwa 2005.(D .Letlojane), we were happy together all the time, but one time her granny past away, She decided to go back to Qwaqwa without making me aware. Our friendship was gone.
After 5-6 years we meet again, but with Facebook. She is still my friend, even if now we have moved on and I will never forget her.

  • Johnny Guerrero by Johnny Guerrero
  • 11 years ago

My true friend and I had a memorable experience on Samal Island. At the barge, we spoke to each other. In the cottage we spent time together, talked to each other,and cared for one another. When he left me, I hurt the most!... I cried all night long because my true friend left me. I called him when I have a load. I wish that he will come back and start again what we've started. No matter what will happen, I will be his true friend, I will do anything just to make him happy...... I love my true friend Euriel.

  • Mansi Sinha by Mansi Sinha
  • 12 years ago

I and my best friend met about 4 year ago. I asked her to show her school diary so that I can jot down the important notices. After that in the next session we were in same section this grown our friendship. For the whole year we sat together we were the only two girls who were sitting together and other all the best friends we separated. Then again in the next session we again were in same session and again we sat together for the whole session together. Now we both are more like sisters.

  • Jan by Jan, Corozal District.
  • 12 years ago

Since I was a child I met this person that meant a lot in my life. I have 19 years and I can feel that my friendship with him has grown more.. whenever we are feeling lonely we sit down together and share the best moments of our lives.. my best and true friend is always there when I most need him.

  • Maddy by Maddy, PA
  • 13 years ago

Since I was a little girl me and my best friend forever were unsperatable. I'm 13 now, We went every where to youth meetings camp the mall movies you name it any place we could hangout! Even when we were kiddies!!! through those 12 years of being her best friend I loved her like family! Then one day July, 28th 2010 on her birthday I got a call from her mom. She told that Sophie was rushed to the hospital a crazy man had shot her and a couple other girls in a parking lot of her moms work. They had no idea who did it. ME and my mom were rushed to the hospital. We were there for hours when the Doctor asked if I'd like to say good bye. I walked in there her mom was holding her hand crying. I saw my best friend, my sister, my family, my other half dying on this hospitable bed! I said Sophie I will always be there for you. No matter if you're right here or up there. I said more but I just want to make my message clear keep you best friends forever! You never when they could so easily slip out of your life.

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