1. Lessons From Dogs
Have you ever wondered
Why dogs don't live that long?
It's because their souls are true
And their love is strong.
The saying goes that "man is dog's best friend". Others find that other pets are also up to the task. The companionship that animals offer is different from human interaction. Human communicate with speech and although this is an advanced form of communication, it has its limitations. Sometimes people struggle to say the right thing when what we really need is to be simply there for each other. Because animals cannot talk they are superior to humans in detecting the feelings of others. A pet may be able to offer a level of companionship that is deeper and more satisfying than human interaction.
Have you ever wondered
Why dogs don't live that long?
It's because their souls are true
And their love is strong.
I loved this poem because it is so true, dogs everyday bring us joy. They don't care where we've come from, if we are fat, or thin, what we look like. They love us. Dog is God spelled...
The sun rose in her radiance
Above fields of green and gold.
She embraced Him with her subtle warmth
As in the morning glow, He strolled.
Famous Poem
There is sorrow enough in the natural way
From men and women to fill our day;
And when we are certain of sorrow in store,
Why do we always arrange for more?
I know I will be moving through grieving for my lost buddy Nova when I can read this poem without choking up. I am not yet close to that, I just tried, which is natural. This poem is the...
If you should see an old white dog
Go limping past your door--
Just an ornery looking, red eyed mutt
With three legs, instead of four--
Today we had to let you go.
It broke our hearts in two.
We had to leave you at that place,
Alone and feeling blue.
I had a pet dog as a child. It was like a member of our family. She was very intelligent too. She left us a long time ago. Reading this poem brought back memories of the moment I shared with...
A dog wandered into our garden one day,
A friendly old mutt, didn't look like a stray.
We never discovered whence he had come,
But we brushed him and fed him and the kids called him Rum.
Oh my, Peter...in all the years that I have been reading about dogs, the poems, tales and stories always made me smile. Tonight though, reading your poem for the first time, something...
You're the best friend I could ever ask for,
The one I can talk to.
You listen to everything I have to say;
I'm really going to miss you.
I lost my best friend, my cute little dog, yesterday. This poem really touched my heart. I couldn't read this poem without tears in my eyes. This poem reminds me of all the good times I spent...
My doggie makes me happy,
I love her so much!
My little furry friend;
So soft to the touch.
You may be a dog,
But to me you're more.
You're the light in my fog.
You put up with our war,
It's a touching poem. It reveals how both young and old seek love in faithful animals as their necessity is not identified by the others at home or in society.
I hear of a place that is made of gold,
a place where we shall never grow old,
but one answer I have not heard at all,
will there be paw prints from my little dog?
It's so great! I'm going to use it for a poetry contest in school.
Pets are people, too, just like me and you.
They need food in their tummies and lots of beefy yummies.
They are little, but their hearts are BIG.
This poem delivers a right message about the relationship between man and nature. These pets teach us love, compassion, and empathy without expectation. But one bitter reality l must admit...
I've had many dogs in my life! Growing up as a little girl, I remember my father taking my younger sister and me to pick out our first dog. He was a terrier mix, and my father named him Spud...
My puppy is a handful,
So full of energy.
She jumps around to greet us
And wags her tail with glee.
My son, age 9, loves all things cat. He's currently taking a drama class and has to read a poem. This is the one he chose. I just hope he can make it through the poem without giggling. He...
Remember all the good times,
Remember all the bad.
You stuck with me through everything,
The best friend I have had.
I ran over my best friend this week and I read this along with rainbow bridge and it helped me with my hurt. Reba was a beautiful loving beagle who had been mistreated and we tried hard to...
My beloved canine friend
life's not how it used to be
you no longer hear my whistle
and just keep on running free.
Oh Pat,
You are always so encouraging. Any comments from you mean a great deal, as I have such enormous respect for your poetry. I do hope you are keeping well. It's been such a joy...
Famous Poem
My dog has died.
I buried him in the garden
next to a rusted old machine.
I see you standing there.
I feel your eyes on me.
I resume my tasks, but there you are.
It wasn’t the end of the world when she up and died,
But I admit I had to talk a tear from sloshing over the side.
The crow quit calling her names over his drifting shadow.
Does anyone know where all the good dogs go?
All I want is a home of my own
I'm not too demanding you'll see
A bowl of food, the occasional bone
And I promise I'll be good company
A very moving poem. Since my dog died last year a number of people have suggested that I might find a dog to replace her in a rescue home. Best wishes, Ann