Pet Friend Poem

My Pet Is The Best Friend I Ever Had

A poem for friendship that lasts through the good and the bad.

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I ran over my best friend this week and I read this along with rainbow bridge and it helped me with my hurt. Reba was a beautiful loving beagle who had been mistreated and we tried hard to...

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Best Friend


Published by Family Friend Poems October 2007 with permission of the Author.

Remember all the good times,
Remember all the bad.
You stuck with me through everything,
The best friend I have had.

Through trying times you stayed with me.
You've sure improved my life.
You cheered me up when I was down,
Stuck with me through my strife.

Think about the good stuff, too,
Remember when we met?
I knew that I could trust you,
The best friend anyone could get.

Why is it that good things
Never seem to last?
You try to think about them,
But time erases past.

Sometimes I feel your presence,
I seem to hear your voice.
Memories flood back to me,
And I sit and rejoice.

Just know that I miss you.
I never will forget
The times I spent together
With you, beloved pet.


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Ron Craven by Ron Craven
  • 9 years ago

I ran over my best friend this week and I read this along with rainbow bridge and it helped me with my hurt. Reba was a beautiful loving beagle who had been mistreated and we tried hard to give her a good life but her life should not of ended the way it did. She was very loving to me and my best friend. I hurt like I have never hurt before and I don't know how to handle it. I know in time it will get better. I keep finding myself wanting to call her. Reba I really miss you. Love dad

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