Pet Friend Poem

Poem About Friendship With A Dog

I am a huge pet lover. My 11-year-old Labrador Retriever inspired me to write this poem. He is the best friend anyone could ever ask for. We make every last minute count while we can.

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I lost my best friend, my cute little dog, yesterday. This poem really touched my heart. I couldn't read this poem without tears in my eyes. This poem reminds me of all the good times I spent...

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Dogs Go To Heaven


Published by Family Friend Poems March 2015 with permission of the Author.

You're the best friend I could ever ask for,
The one I can talk to.
You listen to everything I have to say;
I'm really going to miss you.

You're growing old
And can't walk as fast,
But don't you worry,
I won't forget about our past.

I love the comfort you offer,
Except when you chewed up my shoe.
But it's okay, we all make mistakes.
I'm really going to miss you.

We loved to play ball,
Chasing it down the hill.
You're the hairiest of them all,
But you still get the chills.

It's almost time to go.
Don't worry about me.
Just do it slow,
And forget about all the fleas.

I love you with all my heart,
The best friend I'll ever have.
I'm really going to miss you.
I love you, and that will never change.


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  • Rating 4.47
Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Jasleen by Jasleen
  • 3 years ago

I lost my best friend, my cute little dog, yesterday. This poem really touched my heart. I couldn't read this poem without tears in my eyes. This poem reminds me of all the good times I spent with my dog and all the beautiful memories of him.

  • Jerry Pashia by Jerry Pashia
  • 5 years ago

We lost our Yorkie after 16 years, and it has been harder than I ever thought. He would run and chase the ball. He was the best dog. We never had a problem with him. He is deeply missed and will never be forgotten. Heaven got them a great dog. God bless you, Bo. RIP

  • Joycetreasures by Joycetreasures, Fort Washington, Maryland
  • 9 years ago

This is a very lovely poem. It really touched my heart. My poodle is getting older now. I'm sure, when he passes away, I also will write a poem about him (Energy). Thanks

  • Sarah Merchant by Sarah Merchant, Spokane Washington
  • 9 years ago

I had a German shepherd lab. This dog loved to run and I mean run. When I was pregnant with my second child I knew I couldn't keep the dog. So I donated her back to the pet shelter. A year almost has gone by and my family wanted a dog. I prayed that God would give us a dog who doesn't run away and a dog who knows basic commands as well as be a friend/companion with my family. Who knew my prayers could be answered. Bruno, who is a pittbull boxer came into our lives with such high spirit. I thank God each and every day that my family got a second chance at finding love through such an amazing animal.

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