1. I Will Be Here For You
When you're sad and depressed,
I will be here to put a smile on your face.
When you're angry and frustrated,
People come into our life disguised as angels, and sometimes angels come into our life disguised as people. It is possible to see God anywhere. All it takes are open eyes and ears and the willingness to see miracles. They are everywhere. God is as available as we are. Having friends that inspire us to rise to higher and greater levels is an awesome gift. Surround yourself with people that inspire you to do better and inspire your friends as well. It is a profound truth that the people we spend time with shape the path that we travel.
When you're sad and depressed,
I will be here to put a smile on your face.
When you're angry and frustrated,
It was my friend's birthday, so I sent her this poem. She was crying of joy and happiness. This poem made my heart truly know that friends will never leave and will always be there for each...
If I could catch a rainbow,
I'd do so just for you
So you could share its beauty
On the days you're feeling blue.
You don’t have to be a hero
To relieve an aching heart,
To ease the burdens on his shoulder
A kind word will make a start.
One word can start a friendship,
One kiss a love affair,
One smile can bring you laughter,
One hug can show you care,
Here's to that very first friend that I made.
The one who said "yes" when I asked her to play.
Whose name I'd repeat over and over again
So astounded and grateful that she was my friend.
May your blessings be many
and your troubles be few.
And may you feel God's presence
in all you say and do.
The poet, Lenora, has reached the pinnacle of a wish. A human being flourishes within a society and he has lots to give to that society and not to forget he must have the bliss from God. The...
God blessed me one sunny day.
He sent me an angel from so far away
To love and help me though all my woes,
To guide and stand by me when I face my foes.
I never thought that you will become the best in my life; you showed me that you care and when I needed you were always there to give what you can give. You never turned your back on me and I...
I know you wish you were perfect,
That you could just say what was on your mind,
But you have to learn to love yourself,
And that could take some time.
If you feel there's nothing else to do,
If you think no one's here for you,
Turn your head and look at me,
Because by your side I'll always be.
This poem is meaningful and kind, what everyone should read.
A friend is someone we turn to
when our spirits need a lift.
A friend is someone we treasure,
for our friendship is a gift.
My darling, my girl,
Why are you so sad?
Why can't you see that life is not all bad?
You're my angel.
My girlfriend is in prison for taking her husband's life. She was abused very badly by him, and when she was growing up, she was sexually abused, physically abused, and mentally abused. She...
I have the greatest friend on earth,
Sisters by God but not by birth.
I owe her a lot for all she has done for me.
Without her in my life, I am not sure where I'd be.
I love this poem so much. Every time I read it, I think of my BFF Jade. Thank you for writing out my feelings when I can't. :)
If I could erase your troubles
And throw them in the sea,
Where the world would just be
You and me.
WOW you're an AMAZING writer, keep writing, follow your dreams, focus on what you want to do in life and if you focus on that hard enough it will come. I'm also a young writer, not a teenager...
If I were an angel,
I would always be there to take care of you.
If I were an angel,
Nothing would ever harm you.
Your friends are ungrateful they are not your friends. Friends are supposed to be there for each other and laugh with each other.
When you're lost in the eternity of sorrow
And despair flows in every vessel within you
There's always a comrade, like a hero
Who lightens and settles your life to glow.
No matter what sadness,
I want to overcome it with you.
No matter what race,
I want to run with you.
I found this really touching and so true. Everything in here is what me and my best friend (Zara) are. This is an amazing poem. Good job.
Walk with me along the path,
And reach up toward the sky.
I'll be right beside you,
Through each new thing you try.
Though very emotionally moving, the poem is wonderful. I do hope your cousin, like you, has been able to recover from the trauma suffered in the past and has found inner peace at last.
Close my eyes, I do give thought;
The lessons learned that I've been taught.
Share in kindness, lend an ear;
Everyone, young or old,
Needs someone to listen
As their stories are told.
When you close your eyes, I am with you.
When you sleep, I shall protect you.
When you are angry, I will be there to calm you.
When you are ill, I am there to care for you.