Inspirational Friend Poem

An Angel For A Friend

Some friends are so perfect for us that they are put into the category of angels. We know that they could only have been sent by God.

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I love this poem so much. Every time I read it, I think of my BFF Jade. Thank you for writing out my feelings when I can't. :)

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An Angel Named Amanda


Published by Family Friend Poems July 2007 with permission of the Author.

I have the greatest friend on earth,
Sisters by God but not by birth.
I owe her a lot for all she has done for me.
Without her in my life, I am not sure where I'd be.
We will be best friends forever until we die.
We have certain jokes that no one would understand but her and I.
Together we share our life story.
We look for good in other's glory.
She is amazing every single day.
I admire and look up to her in every way,
She understands me and I don't have to explain.
She brings her sunshine to the rain.
Someone sent by God to do great things,
One of heaven's angels with no visible wings.
If you ever meet her, then you will see
Why she is the definition of the greatest friend to me.
Thanks for always being there for me;
You have shown me just how best friends should be!


  • Stories 10
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  • Rating 4.48
Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Justme by Justme
  • 7 years ago

I love this poem so much. Every time I read it, I think of my BFF Jade. Thank you for writing out my feelings when I can't. :)

  • Kekeletso by Kekeletso
  • 12 years ago

Wow what a beautiful poem it reminds me of one of my colleague Tanja who has been there for me from when we started working together until now.

  • Stella by Stella, Australia
  • 12 years ago

I love this poem so much. It reminds me of my best friend Jas who is my best friend and has been with me through thick and thin. But she is in India now... Thank you so much for this amazing poem.

  • Summer L. Cason by Summer L. Cason, Virginia Beach
  • 4 years ago

I wrote this as a senior in high school. It's amazing how many people love this.

  • Tina by Tina, Nevada
  • 13 years ago

This reminds me of my three very best friends in the whole world. I have been there you know who you are. I would really just like to thank you.

  • Amanda by Amanda, Kaur
  • 14 years ago

My name is Amanda and I love this poem, this poem reminded of my best friend far away from me, it might be her, who write this poem :)

  • Clermont QLD Australia by Clermont QLD Australia
  • 15 years ago

This is beautiful. Awesome 100% true as a friend. Best of Wishes to You and Amanda

  • rifa by rifa
  • 15 years ago

it's amazing, really touched my heart, I just loved it, it's awesome

  • Kat by Kat
  • 15 years ago

This was beautiful! I can totally connect! I've got a super close friend and we've been besties since...the moment she was born. She was born the same year but a few months later than me. we're still super tight and I couldn't live without her.

  • Eva by Eva
  • 16 years ago

this reminds me of me and my best friend. I have been there on her worst as she has for me. I think this poem is good for all best friends because it says so much thanks and I loved the poem

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