Inspirational Friend Poem

Inspirational Message For Friend About Being Yourself

I have always struggled to be myself because I was so focused on being the person others wanted to see. This is about me and my friends and how they were always there for me when I needed to be picked up from the ground.

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Published by Family Friend Poems February 2018 with permission of the Author.

I know you wish you were perfect,
That you could just say what was on your mind,
But you have to learn to love yourself,
And that could take some time.

You need to stop dreaming,
And just let your thoughts go.
Stop trying to be perfect,
And let your dreams flow.

Sometimes life has its twists and turns.
You just have to find your way,
Because you can get through it,
No matter what people say.

Though some people will try to tear you down,
We will help you get up,
And we will always be your steady
That's there for the cleanup.

Because I know you wish you were perfect,
But you're everything and more,
And sometimes when you feel tied down,
You just need to spread your wings and soar.


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