21. Miss You Dad
Dear Dad;
Another year has passed that you have been gone
Oh how I wish that I could turn back time;
Dear Dad;
Another year has passed that you have been gone
Oh how I wish that I could turn back time;
I lost my dad nearly 20 years ago. As a parent myself, all I would want for my child when I die is that he continues in the vein I have taught him. To embrace life and accept reality. Go on...
I love you Dad with all my heart
And hate that we should be apart
Our love is a bond that can't be broken
You may be gone but never forgotten
I lost my dad last week. I never got to say goodbye. I'm lying here wishing that I had one moment to tell you I love you. I lie here thinking about when I was a little girl and you were...
During the day I have to be strong
I try so hard to show that nothing is wrong.
But at night my tears will flow.
It was just so sudden you had to go.
My father, Peter, died on May 29, 2016. He was everything to me, and he made my life so much better. He always listened to me. He always stayed by my side in good and bad times. He was my...
He's walking towards me surrounded by light
I can't believe this miraculous sight
It can't be him, I know he is dead
But as I look towards him, he's shaking his head
Seven years ago my dad passed away. My son and him were very close. After he passed, my son would get up in the morning and say I saw grandpa last night. I was always a little skeptical. As...
You have been gone one whole year and nothing is the same.
It seems like it was just yesterday that the angels called your name.
Every morning when I wake up, I think it was just a nightmare,
Words cannot explain
how much you mean to me
nothing could ever compare
or even ever be
An hour ago, I received a call from my sister that my dad had just passed away. I had visited my dad 2 months ago, and he wasn't looking well then. I knew that would be the last time I would...
No presents bought, no candles blown; this year you walk on streets of gold,
And it's so much more than the stories you've been told.
The sun is shining on your face,
Why Dad?
Why did you chose to die?
You left no note but left me asking why.
You thought you were doing what was best and right.
I came to this site looking for a comforting suicide survival poem to send to my brother whose fiancé of 12 years with young 4 children hung herself. I just have to say that your comment left...
Today is the day
You've waited for so long.
Oh how we wish this was a dream.
Yesterday you seemed so strong.
Moments before our walk that afternoon,
I realized the path ended too soon.
Not long enough to hold his hand,
this amazing person, this loving man.
The moment I heard the news that day,
My heart sunk and my soul ached.
It just felt so unreal to me.
It couldn't be right; how could it be?
And he puts his boat in the water for the last time
A tear will fall for the last time
I wipe the tears from my face with your old shirt for the last time
I cry about the last time I said goodbye to you
My dad has cancer and he is probably going to die like my Aunt Rose did. She died of the same thing I've had way to many people die in my life everytime I get to be close to them they die. My...
Another year has come,
and you're still so far away.
You're always in my heart
each and every day.
It is so hard to lose the one you love. When I am 11 I got lazy to visit my best friend and I asked him that he will be the one to come over my house. When I texted him, he replied that he's...
My darling Dad, you suffered
More than we could bear to see.
"Please let go, Dad; give in.
Your soul then can be free."
Hi Denise,
My father passed November 25, 2017 at 10:28pm. This is exactly the same experience that I had, and he always called me his Baby Girl. Everything you said in here was like a...
I promise to carry on your contagious smile.
The same one that would light up a room the minute you walked in.
I promise to laugh and never take myself too seriously.
I promise to love harder and forgive faster.
I was 19 when my brother Brian, 21(a soldier), was killed in Afghanistan. He'd been married for 3 1/2 months when he died, and left behind a giant number of people who love him. This poem...
Famous Poem
Under the wide and starry sky,
Dig the grave and let me lie.
Glad did I live and gladly die,
And I laid me down with a will.
The day you answered God's call
Left an empty space
My world came crashing down
I couldn't breathe...couldn't talk...
I lost my dad a month after my 16th birthday. He was a my very best friend and hero in many ways. I can relate to this poem because I still love him even if he's not around physically. I...
It was a month ago on a warm spring day,
When you said "Goodbye Sugar" then slowly slipped away.
A giant of a man to which no one could compare,
Handsome and tall with silver gray hair.
It will be 10 years next month that I lost my Dad. I was the middle of the three girls he had. I wasn't his oldest and I wasn't his baby, but he counted on me when I grew up. He knew he could...
No one can hear my screams
In my thoughts or in my dreams
As I lie here waiting patiently
I wait for the day you come back to me
I lost my father on April 4, 2015. I miss you a lot, Dad!
Dear Dad, I can't believe it's been two years;
It feels like it was only yesterday.
I wish you were still here,
But the sky is the place you stay.