Loss of Father Poem

A Special Father

A father is such a special person, when he dies, it feels like you lose your identity.

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I lost my dad a month after my 16th birthday. He was a my very best friend and hero in many ways. I can relate to this poem because I still love him even if he's not around physically. I...

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Published by Family Friend Poems July 2008 with permission of the Author.

The day you answered God's call
Left an empty space
My world came crashing down
I couldn't breathe...couldn't talk...
I felt so numb, I couldn't walk.

It was so hard to believe
That you were gone.
Once so strong;
Where do I belong?
Why did you have to leave?
Why did you have to go?

Thinking of you brings tears to my eyes
I never thought I would see your demise
Who will teach me right from wrong?
Now that you are gone?

Daddy, you put me through varsity
You did that by working with your hands
You built big buildings and painted tall walls
Times were tough, that I knew
You did what you could to help me through

You could fix anything you laid your hands on
There wasn't a thing you couldn't do
With a little cement or some glue
Just thinking about this is making me blue!

You made me so proud on my wedding day
When you so unselfishly gave me away
You hugged me and wished me well
And I think a saw a tear

It was so hard for you to let me go
To let your "little girl" venture into a world unknown
Without you holding my hand or to catch me if I fall
But don't worry, Daddy
I remember everything you taught me
If I forget, it's a pity I can't call

Now it's time for me to let you go
The hardest thing I've ever had to do
But before I do,
I want you to know, I'm so sorry for all I put you through
I love you, Daddy,
More than words can describe
I wish you were here, I wish you were alive!


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  • Rating 4.42
Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Biema Hesa by Biema Hesa, Majuro Marshall Islands
  • 10 years ago

I lost my dad a month after my 16th birthday. He was a my very best friend and hero in many ways. I can relate to this poem because I still love him even if he's not around physically. I believe that somewhere above in the sky, he's watching over me. So thank you for this poem, it's really touchy!!

  • Paula Shipp by Paula Shipp, Portales NM
  • 10 years ago

I lost my dad on 3/1/13 and even now I have a hard time putting my thoughts and feelings into words but this poem said it all so well. I ran across it by accident or was it fate when looking for something for my mom to use at her dad's funeral Wednesday. Thank you for writing such a touching poem that spoke my thoughts so well.

  • Roselynn Rezac by Roselynn Rezac, Bellevue NE
  • 10 years ago

I lost my dad Aug 3, 2014...very unexpected! I cry myself asleep and wake up hoping that I would wake from this nightmare...then I begin to cry. I do not know how to move on from all this pain knowing I will never see him again or hear his voice. I am angry that his life ended so soon for a healthy man. I had so much to tell him. I believe I am shorted 20 years.

  • Kristen by Kristen, Middletown
  • 10 years ago

I lost my dad 4 months ago . The pain don't get easier nor do the days they just get more manageable you could say. Things at home are not the same. With my daddy, I didn't even get to say goodbye until after he was gone. No kiss goodbye, no hug goodbye until he was gone. I wish he was still here everyday. He didn't get to see me on graduation day, he won't get to walk me down the aisle when I'm married, he won't be here to see the birth of his grandchildren. Sometimes I feel like I'm selfish for wanting him here so bad on this Earth when he's up in the greatest place you could be. Sometimes I feel mad at god and question him on days, but then I remember he gives his hardest battles to his toughest soldiers and without him I would have never gotten the chance to have my dad for my 17 years. I'm thankful but sad but also relieved that I had a dad most would die for. Rest in peace daddy.

  • Aryn by Aryn, Greenville S.C
  • 11 years ago

My daddy just passed away on April 29th, 2013 of a massive heart attack. It was all so unexpected. I was his baby girl, the tomboy. He was my best friend. It's still very fresh, a lot of the time I don't know how to talk to others about it. I guess I'm still in denial & I just don't know how to put my words together. If there was something I could do to bring him back I'd do it in a heartbeat. I miss him so much. RIParadise daddy, I'll see you again someday.

  • Corinn Johnson by Corinn Johnson, Michigan
  • 11 years ago

When I was eight, I lost my father to cancer. I loved him very much and even though I miss him, and I hate cancer for taking him away. And even though Now he will never see me grow up, and that I can't love him until he grows old. I have learned to understand that is was his time, and he is still with me, just not physically.

  • J by J, Los Angeles
  • 11 years ago

My father passed away exactly one year ago this morning. I've been up and crying for awhile. Praying to god. The past year has been so difficult. I miss him more than words can express. my sorrow is so deep that it hurts. Makes me physically ill. I took care of him during the last year of his life and towards the end though chemo and radiation. I am grateful that I got to spend so much time with him. More time than when I was a teen and lived with him. Its bittersweet to let him go after becoming closer than ever. As adults we move away, work, raise your kids and visit parents on holidays, etc I lived with my dad for the entire last year of his life. I cooked for him, laughed with him, watched movies, went to lunch. We had a blast I wanted I'm to be as happy as possible. Things he told me play through my mind all the time. "Got to keep your wits about you!"

  • Abc by Abc
  • 12 years ago

I'm in high school and my father disappeared 4 years ago, I'm not sure I even care about him anymore but this has proven me wrong!

  • Whitney by Whitney, Maine
  • 12 years ago

On June 1st 2007, I lost my father to a very terrible death. He couldn't see his children anymore, Daddy I need you, He left a note on the table, addressed to me and he said,
Don't wait for me, I have found my way to a better place, I don't feel this pain any longer, I love you very much, please stay in school, I promise I will always be watching over you... LOVE Daddy
The police came to our house at 10:00 the next morning and they told us that my father had committed suicide because he couldn't see his kids again, I have lost many friends to death... But this was the most heartbreaking one..

  • Vaughnie by Vaughnie, Texas
  • 12 years ago

I lost my Daddy July 15, 1983, 4 years after we lost my Mother. I worshipped my parents and, when I lost Daddy, I lost my last best friend. I fainted 3 times during the funeral. My Daddy was a wonderful man and a friend to everyone. A banker to some because he loaned money. There is no telling how many owed Daddy money when he passed away. A few came forward and paid us. I talk to Daddy all the time because I helped him in his business and I always wanted his opinion before I made a big decision. So I know he (and Mother) are up there watching over me.

  • Mary by Mary, Georgia
  • 13 years ago

This poem has me in tears. My dad was my hero and I thought he was invincible. He was my role model. My dad passed away on December 10,2003 and it just feels like yesterday because the pain never goes away. I just lost my husband of 20 years this December 17 2011 and the pain is unbearable. At least I know that my husband is with my dad (they were best friends) in Heaven.

  • Kristy. Cleveland Hts by Kristy. Cleveland Hts
  • 13 years ago

These poems hits you straight in the heart my dad passed away about 7 years ago feel like it was just yesterday. I miss him so much. It's so crazy one day he's here and then he's gone...my heart is so broken I cry every single night I didn't think I had this many tears. I wish I could hug and kiss him one more time and tell him his little girl loves him more then he could ever know.

  • Camilla by Camilla, London
  • 13 years ago

I lost my dad suddenly in March 2011 on the 11th. I went through different emotions feeling guilty that I hadn't seen him. God is my rock and my healer he is holding me up it is only through His grace that I can continue to stand. I miss him, it sometimes feels surreal that I won't see him until I leave this earth. Dad RIP. To all those who have lost a loved one remember God is your greatest comforter and He will bring you through. God Bless

  • Delores by Delores, North Carolina
  • 13 years ago

This was a beautiful poem. My Dad passed away 28 years ago and his death is still as fresh feeling for me today as it was then. He will always be with you.

  • Shariefa Hendricks by Shariefa Hendricks Poet
  • 13 years ago

Hi all
thank you for the positive feedback on my poem. I want you to know that I am deeply sorry for your loss. Indeed our Dad's are pivotal in our lives and we carry a piece of them wherever we may go. If this poem has helped you, I am glad, I know it helped me to find the closure I needed, but I will never, ever stop missing my Dad. This is a wonderful site to cathartic. May you find comfort, peace and solace. God Bless.

  • Tessa Sta. Ana by Tessa Sta. Ana, Phil
  • 14 years ago

I lost my dad just two days ago and just like you I'm also my daddy's little girl. 2 days after my engagement party, he was brought into the ICU and spent several days there before he died. It's always hard to say goodbye to a person whom you have loved most especially your dad. He was a strong person, always fighting against his illness but it's better to see him resting in peace rather than seeing him with lots of tubes attached on his body and suffering from pain. He was given only 24 hours to live but God have extended it to 3 days more. I would always remember that night when he hugged me and my mom as if he knew that tomorrow he'll be gone. Will surely miss everything about him and he will always be in my heart forever....

  • Mary by Mary, Ireland
  • 14 years ago

I lost my dad when I was 7 years old in 1993, and I still really miss him.. I can relate to this situation. I find that I can't talk freely as I find that it can be painful to talk and it brings tears. I like looking for poems about dads, youngest left behind was a few months old and eldest was 8.

  • Magi by Magi
  • 14 years ago

Hay< just a small message to thank you for your poem, it was very touching! You see I am left to bring my son up on my own as his dad sadly took his own life last year! My boy is only 3 years old and will have questions for me to answer!!! Your poem gave me a bit of insight on how he may feel in the years to come!! Thank you.

  • Anna Pobihushchyj by Anna Pobihushchyj, Edmonton
  • 15 years ago

I can relate. I lost my dad 2 years ago this march 24th. I still cry about it... Mom can't get why I cry, so I've been looking for websites where I can talk freely about this. I hope you let me talk to you. God knows I want to talk about my dad to someone...

  • henry by henry
  • 15 years ago

Hey, i just wanted to tell you, that this was the most touching poem, I have ever read, I lost my father in 2003, he was everything to me, an when I read this I had to stop twice, to wipe the tears, so I know what your went/going through, (BEST POEM WRITTEN)...

  • tamika smith by tamika smith
  • 16 years ago

I cannot stop crying after reading this I had lost my daddy going on three yrs going on oct.12 of this year. he was my best friend I can relate to everything in your poem, I miss him so much

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