Loss of Father Poem

This poem was written for my father who passed away in 2007. Although my father and I had our differences growing up, we became very close in the later years. He passed away on my 50th birthday in 2007. When he was in the hospital I spent time with him and it was a very special time. Now people around me tell me that I remind them of my father, and that is a great honor.

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I lost my dad nearly 20 years ago. As a parent myself, all I would want for my child when I die is that he continues in the vein I have taught him. To embrace life and accept reality. Go on...

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Miss You Dad


Published by Family Friend Poems April 2011 with permission of the Author.

Dear Dad;

Another year has passed that you have been gone
Oh how I wish that I could turn back time;
But God knew that it was time for you to go home
It was on God's agenda and not mine.

When I was young and growing up
You and I would disagree on things now and then;
But long gone are the days that I can call you on the phone
And say to you, "Dad, do you remember when?"

As I now have children and grandchildren of my own,
I know now know how proud you must have been;
As the generations continue to come and go
Your love for all of us is instilled within.

It was with mixed emotion that I had to let you go
But I knew that you didn't want to stay;
You were headed home to Jesus to live forever
And that when you drew you last breath you were on your way.

There is not one day that goes by
That I don't miss you DAD,
But I know that you are with Jesus
And nothing more makes me more glad.

Miss you, DAD


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Dianna Lane by Dianna Lane
  • 6 years ago

To my Dad, I miss you so much!! I miss hearing you tell me that you love me and you telling me to watch out for the deer while driving home down the country road. It's been 3 months and a week since you passed, and I still miss you terribly. I love you, Daddy!!

  • Tammy Kelly by Tammy Kelly
  • 6 years ago

I lost my dad 5 months ago today. It feels like yesterday. Though we had a rough relationship for A LONG time, we finally reconnected. I feel regret for all the time that passed, but I'm thankful for the time we had. I miss picking up that phone and chatting with him. My heart is VERY heavy today. I love and miss you, Pops!

  • Brian Martin by Brian Martin
  • 6 years ago

Just lost my dad on June 28, 2018. I miss him some much. He was my hero, he was my life. My mom and Dad divorced when I was around 8 years old. He got custody of us, so he has raised me. He taught me everything I know. I know time heals, but I am lost right now. I can't call him whenever I want, and I can't see him whenever I want. I have always been the little boy by my dad's side. I have never seen him have a weak moment until his last day. I know he is at peace now and reunited with his mom and sister. Dad, I miss you every moment of the day. I love you with every ounce of my being. I will see you soon.

  • Dianna Lane by Dianna Lane
  • 5 years ago

My Mom and Dad divorced when I was 4 or 5 years old. I grew up with my Dad who later remarried and my "new mom" and Dad had 2 sons together...my half-brothers. I feel lost without my Dad! I miss him so much!! It has been 5 months yesterday, and like you, I know that I will see him again soon! Greatly missed!

  • Tina Smith by Tina Smith
  • 6 years ago

I lost my dad nearly 20 years ago. As a parent myself, all I would want for my child when I die is that he continues in the vein I have taught him. To embrace life and accept reality. Go on and live well, love those close to you and live with integrity. I am half my father, so he is always with me. My son knows all of this. I miss my dad immensely still every day, but he loved us unconditionally and was all father material. To honour him I will live and love life as he would have wanted as hard as that is sometimes. But when I am doing what I know he wanted, it has brought me such great comfort, and I know he would be super proud of the job he did for all of us.

  • My Name Is Rukia Walusimbi by My Name Is Rukia Walusimbi
  • 7 years ago

I lost my dad on February 27, 2014. Dad, there are no words that can describe you. On the 27th, it marks 5 years since you left us. I want to tell you that we’re missing you and loving you more than before. Ever since my dad left me, my whole world came crashing down. Dad, you were unique, and I wish I could see you and we could laugh and talk as we used to. I am happy that I was among those at your bedside. You are my hero. I wish I could see you and share all my happiness with you. You are definitely missed by your daughter.

  • Diksha Vadhwa by Diksha Vadhwa
  • 8 years ago

I lost my papa 1 year ago. I am missing him always. My mumma and I are missing you a lot, Papa. You were super generous and my hero. Nobody can care like you, Papa. Your words, your face, your support. I really miss you. I feel like I should hug you once again. I smell your smell whenever I pass by your places. I can’t sit in your room because your smell makes me lose it. I miss you, Papa.

  • Saumya by Saumya
  • 8 years ago

I lost my dad on 12 march 2009. He was the only one who knew me well. I miss him a lot. Thought he would be with me forever. I know he is at peace, but I miss him a lot. Love you, Dad...

  • Harish More by Harish More, Aurangabad
  • 10 years ago

I Lost my father 4 week ago, but I still can't believe the fact that he passed away! He died from blood cancer, he was a strong man, I adored him. He was my hero my everything! I think about him every second! I really miss him.
Love you father.

  • Kelly by Kelly, Ontario
  • 9 years ago

So sorry for your loss. I know it doesn't cut it. I lost my own dad in Nov/14 from Blood Cancer. I miss him every single day. He was so kind and supportive. He cannot be replaced. I am so sad. Miss you Dad! Xo Loved this poem too. Thanks!

  • Madhuri Paul by Madhuri Paul, Faridkot
  • 10 years ago

I will always love and miss my Papa. I am very lucky to have a father like my papa. He is with you God now. Please take care of him always. I lost him but he will always be with me..forever. I don't want an angel, I already have my dad watching over me from above always. Please God give me strength and your blessings to be as patient as him, As honest, calm and truthful as him. I miss you daddy...wish to meet you again...want to be your daughter in every birth I take because you are the best father!!!Love your little girl!!!

  • Tamara Chetty by Tamara Chetty, South Africa
  • 10 years ago

My name is Tamara, I lost my beloved dad on the 23/8/2014. Although he had been ill for a long time, he didn't die because of his illness, he died because he was neglected by the nurses in the hospital. I miss him every second of the day, it's hard to accept he is no longer with us. How do you forgive the people that caused his death:( . My heart physically hurts, my life has come to a stand still.....

  • Sudeer Ramsaran by Sudeer Ramsaran
  • 10 years ago

I lost my Dad 254 Days ago, 25 April 2014...... I'm so sorry for your loss! I know the feeling all too well that you have, but you to need cherish the moments and memories you guys shared because those memories shall live forever. Don't let your life come to a stand still. That's not what your Dad would want, you need to be strong. I promise days will get better, think about it - as the sun rises, you are one day closer to being with him again! Live your life for your Dad.... honour him in all that you do and I promise you will gain strength.

  • Deanna by Deanna, Chicago Illinois
  • 10 years ago

My name is Deanna, I lost my daddy June 5th 2014, 2 days before my 30th birthday. I was not able to speak to him, and he passed away when I was 25 minutes away from him. I live 3 hours away. My heart even almost 2 months after is still shattered and I'm convinced it can't be healed. I love you daddy R.I.P 6-5-14

  • Shelly Sidcup by Shelly Sidcup
  • 10 years ago

Hi my name is Shelly, My dad was a very pious noble man. I lost my dad 2008 and it's never been the same since. I think of him all the time. It's so hard to know he isn't there when I visit my mum. It's so difficult to sleep at times all I am thinking of is him being here. I wish I was there when he died but I wasn't. I am daddy's baby girl and no one told me he died until I got to the hospital I still didn't know even when I saw him lying on the hospital bed with a pipe in his nose I just thought he was asleep. I wasn't that young I was 20 so I don't understand how I couldn't understand he was no more :( I'm still grieving it hurts a lot

  • Destiny by Destiny
  • 10 years ago

I am so sorry to all the people that have lost their fathers. I have finally got to meet my dad a few months back.

  • Arun Joshi by Arun Joshi
  • 10 years ago

My name is Arun. I lost my dad on march 17 2014 . He was very hard working man. He lost his life from heart disease. I love you dad. I miss you miss your voice dad but I know he is in a better place no more pain, miss you papa

  • Port Moresby by Port Moresby
  • 10 years ago

Hey my name is Judy Albert Parobe. My dads name is Albert Parobe. I was my daddy's girl. He taught me all I know. He raised me to be the girl I am today. My dad died 4 months after my 21st birthday. He was an alcoholic. I begged him all the time to stop. He was the best. He had the biggest heart. The day he died I went into the hospital to see him, he had always been so strong I knew he could beat it. I didn't say bye or tell him I loved him. I just went on with my day. When the call came in I couldn't believe those words. Everyday I have to live with the thoughts of what I should have said. My dad was my world he meant everything to me. Without him here I do not feel free. I wonder Who is going to watch the graduation. I miss him more and more everyday nothing here will ever be the same. I pray to God to give him back all the time. But he won't. RIP Daddy! ALBERT PAROBE

  • Cindy by Cindy
  • 11 years ago

My name is Cindy. I lost my father 3 months ago he died from a heart attack. I miss him so much my life will never be the same. Love you so much daddy.

  • Kathleen by Kathleen, Gila Bend
  • 11 years ago

I lost my dad in 2003, I'm 48 now and it still hurts not seeing him or hearing his voice. How I wish he was still alive to see his granddaughter (my first child) whom he never met. I love talking about him telling my daughter how good of a man he was to our family and how much he loved all his grandkids. I talk about him as if he is still alive. That's what keeps me going. I LOVE YOU DAD AND MISS YOU SO MUCH. I know you will be waiting for me at the golden gate. <3

  • Dominique by Dominique, Titusville Florida
  • 11 years ago

Hi my daddy name was Eddie, he passed about 6 months ago he was 68. He was the BEST daddy any girl could ever want! Sometimes I don't know what to do he was my heart my soul my life! But it was gods plan God was ready for him. But I wish he was here. DADDY? I REALLY MISS YOU :-(

  • Osman by Osman, Indianapolis
  • 11 years ago

I was at work when my mother called me on my cell to inform me that my father was in the hospital due to a stroke he suffered. I went to the hospital and my father was in bad shape. He was not able to move or feel the right side of his body. The stroke took my father bad. I asked him "Daddy, do you have a headache?" He just nodded 'no' but the look on his face he was telling me 'don't worry son, I'll be okay'. He suffered macular degeneration for several years, had mild arthritis so it was time for my daddy to go. He is in a better place and is in God's arms now. November 8th 2013 will be 2 years I lost my daddy - I miss you daddy. Peace to you, your loving son, Osman

  • Christy Yorks by Christy Yorks, Stockton CA
  • 11 years ago

I was a daddy's girl. My dad was my hero. He passed away October 25, 2010. He had an infection in his heart. He went in his sleep. I regret not being able to say goodbye and letting him know how much I loved him.

  • Andre Britz by Andre Britz, Durban
  • 11 years ago

On May 30th 2010, an angel from my life left his earthly body behind and ascended up to Heaven, his name was Peter, he was my dad. He died with no warning and it was very sudden. One day he was there and healthy and the next day he was gone. I had the greatest father a son could ask for, he gave me everything and equipped me with what was needed to get through life in order to look after my kids and wife, most of all, he called me his son. Although it's been over 3 yrs., I still think of him every day and my heart still pains over this loss, I think it has something to do with the fact that I wish I had more time for him in the last 10 yrs. of his life, I regret not making the time and cherishing him more, letting him know just how awesome he was and how proud I am of him, now it's too late, he's gone.

  • Monika by Monika, Oklahoma
  • 11 years ago

On September 13 2012 my dad called me after I got out of school telling me he was doing great and he was coming to get me on the 14th for the weekend. I could barley hear him but he told me he loved me I told him I loved him too and see him tomorrow and bye, at 9 pm his girlfriend called me telling me he was doing great he ate a big dinner and went to sleep and they were coming to get me tomorrow on September 14th 2012. At 1:00 am I got that phone call telling me my dad passed away. I lost it. I became really close to him in the last two months and he wasn't just my dad he was my best friend I wanted to die to and be with him, I still today take it pretty hard. It's been almost a year.

  • Wendy by Wendy
  • 11 years ago

My name is Wendy. My fathers' name is Lawrence; he passed away on Fathers' Day 2013. I miss him so much, and I too wish for him to return everyday! Unfortunately, I know he never will. I was Daddy's little girl and I love him so much. He loved me unconditionally and I could tell him everything. He always said "I'm ready to go to Heaven and hang out with Jesus and the gang". I know that my Daddy is happy in Heaven with Jesus and his mom, dad and brother. Still I wish he were here with me. Daddy, I miss you and love you forever. P.S. I'm glad I told you how much when you were alive. See you in Heaven!

  • Garima by Garima
  • 11 years ago

Hi, My name is Garima! I lost my father when I was one. Though I didn't spend that much time with him but miss his presence and importance in my life. He was the one who completes my mom. I feel like my mom should have live that moment of life which she has sacrificed for me! after my dad. Now I'm 18+ and I miss him badly. At this stage I need his guidance badly! Today is a father's day and everybody around me is spending time with their own fathers. so do I want to be with him..:(
I miss him sometimes badly. wish I could do something for my mom

  • Sadie by Sadie, Alabama
  • 11 years ago

May 24th 2002 I got the call that changed my life I knew something was wrong cause my sister in law called and she never called it was my dad he was gone. I had just talked to him that morning the last thing he told me was I love you hope to see you soon. I wish I could have been there instead of states away. I miss him every day it still feels like yesterday sometimes.

  • Edelmira Puebla by Edelmira Puebla, Buckeye Az
  • 11 years ago

Hi, my name is Edelmira and my Father's name was Raul Puebla. I didn't get the chance of growing up with my Father as he passed a day before I turned 4. Someone took his life away from us. My Mother and my 2 Sisters were left without our rock. I don't remember much of him, except that horrible night. I remember it like it was yesterday. I often dream of him and wish that I could rip him out of my dreams, give him a big hug, and tell him how much I miss him, and how much we needed him growing up. I love hearing the wonderful stories my family tells about him, about the great man that he was. I am now 35 and have 4 children of my own. I wish that I could introduce my Father to them; he would have been a great Grandfather, I just know it. Daddy you will forever be in our hearts. I miss you Father!

  • Stephanie by Stephanie
  • 11 years ago

My name is Stephanie, I lost my dad 12 years ago He died from cancer but really his cause of death was bowel blockage I miss him so much But I know he is in a better place no more pain
Miss you Father

  • Samantha by Samantha
  • 12 years ago

My name is Samantha, I Lost my father 4 years ago, but I still can't believe the fact that he passed away! He died from cancer, he was a strong man, I adored him. He was my hero my everything! I think about him every second! I really miss him.

  • Derek by Derek, Regina Saskatchewan
  • 12 years ago

My name is Derek and I am 8 yeas old. My dad died on July 8 2012 22 days before my birthday. A mean person hurt my dad and that's how he died. I miss my daddy so much. But I know that he will be waiting for me in heaven.

  • Claire by Claire
  • 12 years ago

Hi my name is Claire. I lost my dad on the 7th December 2012. I know it has not been long since you have gone. I miss you like mad no one could ever replace you. I don't know how to do it with out you. It is really hard. We miss him so much at this moment I don't believe you have gone you went so sudden I didn't know what to do. I still believe you will come back through the door. I love you always and forever you will never be forgotten love you dad RIP 1961-2012

  • Lisa by Lisa, Tanzania
  • 12 years ago

Hi, my name is Lisa. My dad's name is Steven. He passed away 16th Dec 2006. Still feels like yesterday. He died of cancer, he was the strongest man I have ever known. The best friend I will never have again and the only man who loved me unconditionally. He raised me to be the woman I am today. He left me too soon, I still have so many questions that he always had answers to. I'm getting married next year and in my dreams he always walks me down the aisle but in reality he is not there with me. I wish he met the man I will spend the rest of my life with, I know he will be proud of me. I want him to see his grandchildren and the joy on his eyes. May his soul rest in peace. I miss him and he is always in my heart. I love you dad.

  • Michelle by Michelle, Utah
  • 12 years ago

My name is Michelle. My dad past away a year ago on October 18th. I wasn't even there to say goodbye. He was the only dad I knew even though I was adopted. I have three boys that will never know what a great guy he was. I miss you daddy. 10-18-11

  • Kayla by Kayla, Gallatin Tn
  • 12 years ago

Hey my name is Kayla. My dads name is Jason. I was my daddy's girl. He taught me all I know. He raised me to be the girl I am today. My dad died 9 days before my 16th birthday. He was an alcoholic. I begged him all the time to stop. He was the best. He alcohol did not effect who he was. He had the biggest heart. The day he died I went into the hospital to see him, he had always been so strong I knew he could beat it. I didn't say bye or tell him I loved him. I just went on with my day. When the call came in I couldn't believe those words. Everyday I have to live with the thoughts of what I should have said. My dad was my world he meant everything to me. Without him here I do not feel free. I wonder all the time about who is going to give me away at my wedding. Who is going to watch the graduate. My dad didn't even get to see me turn 16. I miss him more and more everyday nothing here will ever be the same. I pray to God to give him back all the time. But he won't. RIP Daddy! 6-3-11

  • Trina M. Klukas by Trina M. Klukas, Appleton
  • 13 years ago

Hi, my name is Trina and I lost my DAD on August 20, 2005. He was a very hard working man and I was Daddy's little girl. He never showed it in public but everyone knew by his words he said. He lost his life from heart disease. He had a metal heart valve and triple bypass in January of 2001. He passed 2 days before my mom's birthday and 9 days before their 41st wedding anniversary. All our stories are not the same but we have all the memories of our fathers, and it was just 5 years but I have not fully grieved because I was the rock to hold everyone in the family together. But there is not a second in my life I DO NOT MISS HIM AND WISH HE WAS STILL HERE!! DADDY I LOVE AND MISS YOU SO BUT I KNOW YOU HAVE YOUR ARMS AROUND ME ALWAYS<3<3<3

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