Death Moving On Poem

My father passed away May 1997. To this day, I think of him. I would like to dedicate this poem in honor of my father, Richard Weber.

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It is so hard to lose the one you love. When I am 11 I got lazy to visit my best friend and I asked him that he will be the one to come over my house. When I texted him, he replied that he's...

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Each And Every Day


Published by Family Friend Poems March 2010 with permission of the Author.

Another year has come,
and you're still so far away.
You're always in my heart
each and every day.

I still cannot believe you're gone.
I hurt so deep inside.
I cry a tear day after day,
Wishing you were by my side.

I never got to say goodbye.
Why did you have to go?
You left without me telling you
How much I love you so.

I will never forget you, Dad.
You're the only father I knew.
Why did you have to leave so soon?
And leave my heart so blue?

I wish I had the chance to say
I love you, I miss you
Each and every day.


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!

I just lost my best friend unexpectedly in October. Her loss still is heavy in my heart. This poem is a beautiful goodbye.

  • Serenity Still by Serenity Still
  • 8 years ago

My father died in Oct. 2009 and I'm only almost 17 now. Everyday that passes I miss him even more. It's really hard and I hope no others experience this!

  • Amy by Amy
  • 14 years ago

This poem was so touching, I am 11 and my best friend died recently and I am so distraught even now and it has been like a year now. The words are so much like what happened to me it made me cry just to think about my best friend who I will never see again I miss her so much she was like a sister to me.

  • Dianne Baltazar by Dianne Baltazar
  • 8 years ago

It is so hard to lose the one you love. When I am 11 I got lazy to visit my best friend and I asked him that he will be the one to come over my house. When I texted him, he replied that he's coming. Then after 30 minutes, he's still not here at my house. Then suddenly, I got a call from his mom that he was in the hospital. I went there but when I opened the door, the machine beside him rang as a sign that he was dead. His mom told me that he loves me. And he didn't see my text which was telling him that I love him. I blamed myself. And until now, I still can't move on. Such an unfortunate love.

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