Death Moving On Poem

I wrote this after my dad died of liver cancer. I know he's in a better place & not in pain anymore, but I miss him terribly. I am a recovering addict and at the time of his death I was still using and I know I let him down. I haven't used heroin since December 1999 & hope he is proud of me now!

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Hey, I am 14 years old. I also lost my dad. I was much younger. I was about five when he was killed. Some people try and tell me that just because I was so young it made it easier, but...

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My Angel


Published by Family Friend Poems August 2010 with permission of the Author.

I wake up in the morning
And I look up to the sky
I wonder why he took you
before I said goodbye

I look up to the stars at night
And know you're looking down
I'd like to think you're proud of me
But I'm just stumbling round

I crawl in bed and close my eyes
And realize that you're gone
Then comes the fears and then the tears
And life just seems so wrong

I glance up at the heavens
And I know you're flying by
My angel's watching over me
I'm happy as I cry


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Yuvasha Govender by Yuvasha Govender
  • 5 years ago

This is beautiful. Thank you. I was looking for a poem like this because my grandma passed away recently - she had a heart thank you so much <3

  • Kim by Kim, Sebastopol CA
  • 11 years ago

I am almost 21 I lost my dad when I was almost 20 and my dad was banging on my bedroom door asking me to come out in the living room cause his chest hurt and I could see he wasn't acting right so I sat out there with him for about an hour or so and he went back to bed and so did I and I didn't feel right in the morning when I woke up and my dogs were going crazy so I went out of my door slowly and I saw my dogs in my dads room and he was laying there with his eyes open and he wasn't moving at all so I shook his leg and he was stiff and very cold so I called 911 and he was blue so I went and got my neighbor and he said there isn't anything he can do so when the ambulance got there
I was scared and they were examining him and I couldn't even walk by his room I had to go in there three times I wish I would of called that night is it my fault or would he of died anyway. I can't get over this feeling I miss you Gerald Allen Moody and I love you. Your daughter Kim.

  • Porter Hall by Porter Hall
  • 6 years ago

Hey, I am 14 years old. I also lost my dad. I was much younger. I was about five when he was killed. Some people try and tell me that just because I was so young it made it easier, but growing up is hard. I wonder every day how life would be if he were here. Also being so young, I never got to really know my dad. Was he nice? Or funny? Strict? Or kind? I guess I will never know. One really cool thing is he left tons of his old stuff behind. I have used this stuff to learn who he was. I know that sounds weird, but I love going through his old stuff and finding things he owned. Each thing tells me something about him.

  • Christine Nardico by Christine Nardico
  • 7 years ago

Sweetheart, I have a similar story just like yours, and I felt if I gave that friend a ride like he asked he wouldn't have driven off a cliff. He also saved all the people in the van. He cushioned their fall one after another falling on top of him. Don't blame yourself nor God. Just believe he had something better to do upstairs. God bless you. ~Christine

  • Linda by Linda, Dumbarton UK
  • 12 years ago

Thanks to whoever wrote this poem your dad will be proud of you, like yourself I lost my father 10 months ago and what a wonderful dad he was, he died of cancer of the lungs but before that on the 31st Oct 2010 I lost my one and only son Patrick to an accidental heroine overdose. My son was in recovery for 8 months and one night of madness took his life but not only my son's, my own too because my heart is broken. I wish I was with him but I believe my dad was taken to look after my son. My wonderful son Patrick stay close to Granda God Bless xx

  • Mildred Colar by Mildred Colar
  • 13 years ago

I though of my 22 year old daughter who lost her boyfriend to a heart attack (no drugs) at 23 yrs.old. It has changed her in so many ways. My mother-in-law who was my best friend. And my godson's mom who passed from a stroke. Who I miss every day. An angel to everyone she met. A sister to me. I am so alone. But God took his angels home.

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