Mother Death Poem

Missing Mother

I always wish for one more day. It hurts so much to lose a loved one. My mother was my everything, and she always inspired me to write. I miss you so much, Mom.

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We all wish for one more day with the loved ones we've lost. I wish for one more day to be with my mum. She was one of the sweetest, most loving and caring mothers in the world. She was my...

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How Grateful I Would Be To Have Just One More Day

Kathy J. Parenteau © more by Kathy J. Parenteau

Published by Family Friend Poems December 2013 with permission of the Author.

If I could have just one more day and
wishes did come true,
I'd spend every glorious moment
side by side with you.
Recalling all the years we shared
and memories we made,
how grateful I would be
to have just one more day.
Where the tears I've shed are
not in vain and only fall in bliss.
So many things I'd let you know
about the days you've missed.
I wouldn't have to make pretend
you never went away.
How grateful I would be to
have just one more day.
When that day came to a close
and the sun began to set,
a million times I'd let you know
I never will forget
the heart of gold you left behind
when you entered Heaven's gate.
How grateful I would be to
have just one more day.



I am from a family of writers. My grandfather was a published poet. He taught me to write as a young girl. He opened up the world of poetry to me. What a sweet release it is to take those thoughts from the secret part of your soul and put them in verse. My hope is that my poems inspire others and reach them in a very special way.

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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Nour Adel by Nour Adel
  • 5 years ago

I lost my mom due to bleeding in her brain, and I feel sick since then. It's been only 50 days, and I just don't wanna and can't live without her. I feel lost, gone, and my soul isn't beside me anymore. I can't breathe. I just want her back. That's all I can think about. I need her so much that I can't wake up to feel myself again. I know I'm strong, but it's hard without her. I've lost a lot, but losing her was my biggest loss. Just can't stay like that. It's painful especially when you don't have someone to talk to about it.

  • Betty Greenlee by Betty Greenlee
  • 3 years ago

Grief hits us all in our lives at some point. There is no set time for grief to end. It never does, it only helps us get through life without that person. One day you will know you can go on, breathe, and maybe see a glimpse of a new tomorrow. I lost my two sons, my parents and my daughter....believe me, I know grief. God has helped me so much to know there will be another meeting someday. The hard part is waiting for it. Keep your chin up and get to know God if you don't already. That is my wish for you.

  • Teresa Zajewska by Teresa Zajewska
  • 5 years ago

I think everybody feels the same after losing parents. I felt sick when my mother died in the age of 89 of stroke. Although it's been 20 years from that time, I miss her very much, and I would pay all the money to see her for a while.

  • Adnan Gakhar by Adnan Gakhar
  • 3 years ago

Yes, Ms. Teresa, you are right. In the beginning when my mother left me in this hostile world, it seemed then I made the graveyard my second home. Oh, mother, no words to express my feelings.

This poem touched my heart in a special way. I lost my mother a few years back. We were inseparable. She was with me nearly every single day of my life. Even though I was married with children, we lived very close to each other and she helped me raise my sons. We were close as close can be. She was also my very best friend. Not a day goes by, actually not an hour goes by, that I am not thinking of her. I carry her in my heart forever, and my thoughts and my prayers! I would give anything to be with her just once more. I would just love to put my arms around her, hug her, kiss her, thank her just one more time. The only thing that gets me through is believing like she taught me, that this life is not the end and we shall be together again someday in eternity! Thank you for sharing this poem!

  • Harish Doshi by Harish Doshi
  • 6 years ago

I, too, lost my mother, the best friend, few years back. I used to go to my mother about everything. There was nothing, good or bad, in my life that she was not aware of. I used to share every moments of my life with her. Unconditional love. I am a strong believer of reincarnation and have a strong feeling that she will meet me again in next birth. We shall be together.

I, too, have lost a loved one too soon. I see my sister every day in my memories. It's been almost 30 years since she passed. One more day with her would hardly be enough, but if available, I would take it in a second. The talks we had, the games we played, the laughs we shared would be a welcomed addition to my fading life...if only for one more day. Beverley passed away at 47 years of age. I loved your poem and I'm sure many others will, too. Thank you; I couldn't have said it better.

  • Taiwo Oluwaseye by Taiwo Oluwaseye
  • 6 years ago

We all wish for one more day with the loved ones we've lost. I wish for one more day to be with my mum. She was one of the sweetest, most loving and caring mothers in the world. She was my world. It takes a mother's gentle touch and soft words to mend the broken heart. It takes a mother's patience to turn a house into a home, a place will never forget no matter where we go.

  • Mary Ann Ceneta by Mary Ann Ceneta
  • 7 years ago

Today is the first anniversary of my husband's untimely death. Until now, I've been longing and asking for one more day...a day to spend with him and be with him and assure him of our love so he can be at peace in heaven. Letting go of his hand in this world is not easy, especially for our 4 kids who are waiting for him to come home. How can I go on without him?

  • Verenice by Verenice
  • 6 years ago

Five months ago I also lost my Dad. He was our everything! He was more than a dad; he was a friend and the most forgiving person I've ever known. Losing him is still so difficult to cope with and to know his no longer physically here. I had so much difficulty making peace with the fact that he's gone. It's hard. Don't let anyone tell you it will be okay. Until you've lost someone you love no one will ever understand your pain.

  • Taylor Hesting by Taylor Hesting
  • 7 years ago

It's been 5 years since I lost my grandfather. Sometimes I feel like there is no reason to go on. I cry every single day because he was the only one who thought I was normal and not some freak. He understood me more than my own mother ever will. He knew when I was mad or sad. He was there when I needed someone to help me with my anger or depression. I know he's not hurting, but now I am because I don't have anyone to help me when I am angry or depressed. I miss you Pa. I hope your proud of me.

  • Patricia Keeny by Patricia Keeny
  • 8 years ago

I swear a day doesn't go by that I don't think of my Grandma. I shed tears every day because I wish it could have been just one more day. So many things she has missed, so many things I could have said. I swear if I could have had just one more day. This poem brought back so many memories and just said the perfect thing. This person must feel the same as I do and did the day she was called. I know we all have a spot, and sometimes I feel selfish for wanting her still here. She lived her life, and I still have to live mine, but one more day I think I could have said all that I wanted and needed.

  • Michelle Martin by Michelle Martin
  • 8 years ago

25 days ago, 11/15/16, my daughter and her children, my only biological grands, were killed in an accident by someone under the influence of drugs. I'll never be the same again. Please pray for her husband and our families.

  • Deb by Deb
  • 8 years ago

It's only been days since I lost my daughter. Tomorrow is her service. I feel so lost and broke inside. She was a mom of 2.

  • Linda by Linda
  • 8 years ago

I lost my son a week and a half ago. I'm still so lost. I don't know how to feel, what to do, or what to say. He left behind 2 beautiful little girls himself. I pray for peace to overflow you. I know that's what I pray for for myself. I know he is in peace and would want it for me. He always said, "Don't stress, give it to God." I'm sure your daughter would want that for you as well. My prayers are with you.

  • Toni Hunting by Toni Hunting, Big Horn
  • 11 years ago

On April 16, 1998 I lost My Beautiful Daughter Julie Suzanne to suicide. There hasn't been a day that I haven't thought of her. It has been fifteen years and I think of her every day. When I look at her picture all I seem to do is cry & cry & cry more. I miss her so much and would love to have just one more day. But I know that it is impossible. But I talk to her in my dreams and I always receive a peace full nights sleep. Rest in Peace My Beautiful Julie. This Mom will always love you until the day comes and we are together once again <3 Love, Mom

  • Nytesong by Nytesong, Hellborn
  • 9 years ago

I am so very sorry for your loss. That is so sad. :( I've had thoughts of suicide off and on and still do, but I don't really try it anymore, I know I'll fail again. I just wanted to say sorry for your loss, may the Gods and Goddesses bless your heart and keep your daughter Julie Suzanne safe in that other world/realm of the Spirits, wherever she may be at. I send you and your daughter's Spirit/Soul hugs and a gentle kiss.

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