41. Come To The Beach
Come to the beach
Where the ocean is blue
And the little smooth waves
come running at you
Come to the beach
Where the ocean is blue
And the little smooth waves
come running at you
Emerges above the land into their peak.
It is the sky they constantly seek.
From the far distance, we won't notice their height.
I'm a stunning display of black and white,
Contrasting stripes to captivate sight.
My mane stands up straight and proud.
The clouds above are gray and dark.
With sound of thunder, lighten spark.
Rain that falls to earthly ground.
Awake, little crocus, spring is nigh!
Let me kiss the slumber from your eye.
Come! Dance with me upon the lawn,
The night is o'er, embrace the dawn!
A beautiful poem for spring. Love the idea of the crocus fairy dancing on the lawn and in her element embracing the dawn.
You hear voices of nature in a rooster's call
As if saying, "Hey, wake up all."
You hear voices of nature in buzzing of bees
Once I did hear my brother call
The sun a giant fire ball.
How can that be?
For what I see,
The poem written in simple colloquial language expresses the genuine thoughts of an innocent child who admires nature.
Snow white fluff
We've had enough
Gracefully flowing
While it's snowing
Angry piles left by plows
All of the horrays turn into growls!
The red and white striped lighthouse,
Standing by the sea,
As quiet as a mouse,
Telling boats where it be.
This touches my heart, because it brings back beautiful memories of all the lighthouses that I have seen in my lifetime. And the heartfelt meaning when you hear the story of the lighthouse....
The wind began to blow
And shook the trees
Heads turned up in unison
Witnessing a season of change
I love fall! It's my favorite season. Enjoy! Your poem is lovely.
I'm just a little sunbeam.
Along the floor I crawl.
I climb up walls.
I creep down halls.
A simple poem with a common idea. I love the metaphorical use of the idea.
Who has seen the wind?
Neither you nor I.
You see now, it's invisible
to the naked eye.
This is an absolutely beautiful poem that made me think of God; how God proves that he is there and who he is. It made me think of how he is always there, invisible to the naked eye for now...
Across the night sky, way up high,
Burning like an oven but as small as a fly,
Mercury steals Apollo's light,
But only when it is at night.
Bees nudged the flowers
Babies peeped out of the nest
One fine crisp morning.
The birds sing,
Bugs cling,
Butterflies flutter,
Water drips from a gutter.
Great poem on spring. I really enjoyed reading it. I love how you wrote about "birds singing."
Famous Poem
maggie and milly and molly and may
went down to the beach(to play one day)
and maggie discovered a shell that sang
I walk around the streets at night.
I look around and see the light,
The light that gives me hope
To find my way back home.
Borrowed scarf, stolen carrot and mittens,
frostbitten fingers determined to finish,
eyes were a button and a bottle cap squished in.
Mothers called but no one listened -
Creepy crawly in the night,
yes, the night - a bug's delight!
Whether quick or slow across the floor,
-please go away, do stay no more!