Famous Children Poem

Just like other poems by E.E. Cummings (1894-1962), standard punctuation and capitalization rules are not followed in this poem. While at the surface, this can be a lighthearted poem about four children playing on the beach, there is a much deeper meaning about who we are as people. Just like the girls in this poem, when we step out into nature, we are bound to find new things and learn new things about ourselves. This poem is lyrical, and the alliteration of each girl’s name beginning with “m” adds to the rhythm.

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Famous Poem

Maggie And Milly And Molly And May

E.E. Cummings By more E.E. Cummings

maggie and milly and molly and may
went down to the beach(to play one day)

and maggie discovered a shell that sang
so sweetly she couldn’t remember her troubles,and

milly befriended a stranded star
whose rays five languid fingers were;

and molly was chased by a horrible thing
which raced sideways while blowing bubbles:and

may came home with a smooth round stone
as small as a world and as large as alone.

For whatever we lose(like a you or a me)
it’s always ourselves we find in the sea


more E.E. Cummings

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