1. Swinging On A Birch Tree
Famous Poem
Swinging on a birch-tree
To a sleepy tune,
Hummed by all the breezes
In the month of June!
Children don’t need fancy toys or technology. They naturally yearn to explore the outdoors. Hours could be spent playing in mud, watching clouds float by, or observing animals. They see the simple beauty in nature. They love all things, from slimy animals to the beauty of seasons and the mountains. Children are curious to explore the natural elements around them.
Famous Poem
Swinging on a birch-tree
To a sleepy tune,
Hummed by all the breezes
In the month of June!
Famous Poem
The coach is at the door at last;
The eager children, mounting fast
And kissing hands, in chorus sing:
Good-bye, good-bye, to everything!
We awakened to the whitest light
Seeping through the blinds.
We leapt from bed and to the windows
To take a probing peek outside.
Your poem is so beautifully written and contains such vivid images! It takes me right back to my childhood. I can almost feel the ice crystals hitting my face!
Best wishes,
Cheeky Beak's a robin,
He lives beside my house.
He's redder than a berry,
And rounder than a mouse.
Such a fun loving poem. This poem painted your chirping friend beautifully.
Famous Poem
The tree outside stands straight and tall
And never can lie down at all;
For if it once should take a rest,
I fear for each small swinging nest;
Creepy crawly in the night,
yes, the night - a bug's delight!
Whether quick or slow across the floor,
-please go away, do stay no more!
Famous Poem
I love these days when autumn leaves
Are falling everywhere around,
And I can tread among the sheaves,
And hear the crispy, crunchy sound.
Famous Poem
The sunshine has a pleasant way
Of shining on us all the day,
It makes the little window bright,
And fills the room with pretty light.
Famous Poem
Birds all the sunny day
Flutter and quarrel
Here in the arbour-like
Tent of the laurel.
Famous Poem
Over in the meadow,
In the sand, in the sun,
Lived an old mother toad
And her little toadie one.
Super Spring starts off the year
Glistening, shimmering, thundering rain
But warmth comes out, once again.
When I’m caught out and angry, and tears start to flow,
I pack up my rucksack and quickly I go
To the huge, towering oak tree, in the field by the woods,
Where nobody says that I shouldn’t or should.
You hear voices of nature in a rooster's call
As if saying, "Hey, wake up all."
You hear voices of nature in buzzing of bees
Have you ever seen the exact moment when Night
Descends from above, and spreads darkness everywhere?
Night comes so quietly, and chases Day away so thoroughly,
That it doesn’t leave even a speck of light behind in the air!
There’s sunrise in the garden,
There’s sunrise in the hall,
There’s sunrise in the kitchen
Chasing shadows from the wall,
Love this poem and children will too, it's delightful poetry that one can sing along to.
Snow is falling, as quiet as a mouse;
On people and on dogs, and on our house.
A fluffy blanket now covers the street -
The cars are white, and that is neat.
I love this poem! It brings back so many memories of my childhood and my two sons growing up and the snow days off of school. They would be peeking out the window most of the night, wishing &...
I imagined, though ever so brief, that I was a leaf;
And the wind blew me off my tree.
I was excited - even delighted,
Because of the wonderful sights I would see.
The Wind is such a strange and amazing being –
It has no legs, yet it travels far and wide.
It soars up to the clouds, climbs mountain peaks,
Swirls across sandy deserts and sweeps over the sea side.
Come to the beach
Where the ocean is blue
And the little smooth waves
come running at you