Famous Children Poem

Birds flutter and quarrel in the laurel tent, where a brown nest cradles four blue eggs. We watch as the mother diligently keeps them warm, ensuring the safety of her tiny babies. Soon, the eggs will hatch, filling the April woods with joyful songs. The young birds will take flight, while we, older and wiser, continue our earthly journey. Though we may speak wisely, we must accept our limitations, walking while they soar high above in the beech tree's embrace. Stevenson's "Nest Eggs" captures the fleeting beauty of nature and reminds us of the cycles of life.

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Famous Poem

Nest Eggs

Robert Louis Stevenson By more Robert Louis Stevenson

Birds all the sunny day
    Flutter and quarrel
Here in the arbour-like
    Tent of the laurel.

Here in the fork
    The brown nest is seated;
Four little blue eggs
    The mother keeps heated.

While we stand watching her
    Staring like gabies,
Safe in each egg are the
    Bird's little babies.

Soon the frail eggs they shall
    Chip, and upspringing
Make all the April woods
    Merry with singing.

Younger than we are,
    O children, and frailer,
Soon in blue air they'll be,
    Singer and sailor.

We, so much older,
    Taller and stronger,
We shall look down on the
    Birdies no longer.

They shall go flying
    With musical speeches
High over head in the
    Tops of the beeches.

In spite of our wisdom
    And sensible talking,
We on our feet must go
    Plodding and walking.


more Robert Louis Stevenson

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