Nature Poem for Kids

A Children's Poem About Bugs

Bugs come in all shapes and sizes, and for the many, are not very appealing. How have you responded when you've spied a spider for example; a centipede, or a roach, - especially at night! Can you relate to the sentiments of this poem?

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Them Bugs!

My ObsE.R.vation © more by My ObsE.R.vation

Published by Family Friend Poems July 19, 2023 with permission of the Author.

Creepy crawly in the night,
yes, the night - a bug's delight!
Whether quick or slow across the floor,
-please go away, do stay no more!
They creep up from the cellar,
crawl out from the ground;
stealthy, so quiet,
they don't make a sound.
Some bugs are big,
too, some are small,
-but I don't like either, no, not at all!
Some move crazy,
some with grace,
they make me so nervous,
back and forth I pace.
Some are dirty,
few may be clean;
you just can't tell where they have been.
Some have eight eyes, six, four, or two,
regardless the number, they're looking at you.
Some have wings,
still others have hair,
my favorite bugs though,
are the ones not there!



I enjoy writing poetry and sharing my work with others.

I try to keep my poems positive and encouraging for the reader to gain some benefit from them.

I also enjoy writing humorous poems and short stories for children.

Please enjoy my submitted work.

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