Famous Sad Poem

A comforting poem that speaks about the resilience of the human spirit. Crowell uses repetition and personification, to convey her message of hope and encouragement in the face of difficulties. The repetition of the phrase "this too" at the beginning of each line emphasizes her idea that whatever challenges we are facing are temporary and will eventually pass. The personification of the "tiresome road" and the "heavy load" we may carry speaks to the human experience of struggling through difficult times. Overall, the poem serves as a reminder that strength and determination can help us overcome obstacles and that hope can sustain us through very difficult times.

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Famous Poem

This, Too, Will Pass

By more Grace Noll Crowell

This, too, will pass.
O heart, say it over and over,
Out of your deepest sorrow,
out of your deepest grief,
No hurt can last forever--
Perhaps tomorrow will bring relief.

This, too, will pass.
It will spend itself--
Its fury will die as the wind dies down
with the setting sun;
Assuaged and calm, you will rest again,
Forgetting a thing that is done.

Repeat it again and again,
O heart, for your comfort;
This, too, will pass
as surely as passed before
The old forgotten pain, and the other sorrows
That once you bore.

As certain as stars at night,
or dawn after darkness,
Inherent as the lift of the blowing grass,
Whatever your despair or your frustration--
This, too, will pass.


more Grace Noll Crowell

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