Famous Sad Poem

"Never Shall I Forget" by Elie Wiesel is a poem about the Holocaust and the atrocities committed against the Jewish people. Elie Wiesel writes about his personal experiences as a prisoner in Nazi concentration camps, the horrors committed during the Holocaust and the lasting impact they had on the him. The poem is written in a simple, direct style and uses vivid imagery to convey the unimaginable horrors of the camps. The repetition of the phrase "Never shall I forget" serves to emphasize the emotional impact of the memories and the importance of remembering the past in order to learn from it and prevent antisemitic hatred from arising again.

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Famous Poem

Never Shall I Forget

By more Elie Wiesel

Never shall I forget that night, the first night in camp, that turned my life into one long night seven times sealed.
Never shall I forget that smoke.
Never shall I forget the small faces of the children whose bodies I saw transformed into smoke under a silent sky.
Never shall I forget those flames that consumed my faith for ever.
Never shall I forget the nocturnal silence that deprived me for all eternity of the desire to live.
Never shall I forget those moments that murdered my God and my soul and turned my dreams to ashes.
Never shall I forget those things, even were I condemned to live
as long as God Himself.


more Elie Wiesel

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